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Barry Levy

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About Barry Levy

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  1. Have seen procedures using a working remote key fob - which purport - if steps followed - will result in computer programming a second fob. Is there any truth to this? Is there danger - if one places working fob next to 'push to start' button - but not placing foot on brake - and subsequenty doing same with fob to be programmed - one could actually screw up recognition of working fob? Of course, there is also that nettlesome question: Is it true one could even have - say a dealer - do the Programming properly? And the tariff for Programming and cutting the emergency key? Thnx all. Barry - 2012 Journey SXT
  2. Read a few articles about this - after receiving my letter .....and a few days later - receiving my malfunction (check engine) light illumination. Do not feel much if any difference in performance - and code reader check shows misfire in #4 cylinder (on left cylinder head?). Note articles mentioned Chrysler/Fiat did not anticipate that many of these engines would have this fault - and thus did not have enough appropriate parts on hand resulting in some dealers holding cars until parts come through - while paying for loaners, etc. Have to rely on Dealers confirmation that one's misfire - is in fact caused by the specific item mentioned in the extended warranty letter. Appearance of misfire - on left side of engine makes one think they won the unlucky lottery. And - I've had nothing but good to say about my 2012 SXT w about 27K miles. Checking the code - w obd (?) resulted in malfunction light going away but have already made service apptmnt. Thinking about boycotting my mailbox. Barry
  3. Lets See: Looks like it took about 4 years to get a response. I had same situation. If you look closely at the coat hanger - you will see it is 2 parts. If the parts are joined together - trying to get hanger to stay in place in ceiling liner will not work. Need to separate the two parts (by raising the upper and lower tabs which hold the parts together. What keeps the hanger in place -is placing the insert in installation hole and then expanding portion of insert by pushing the prong of the remaining piece of hanger - in to place. Causing it to expand and become wedged in place. That's the theory. Theory is good long as you only hang some hankies. Better -is for there to be passenger / driver assist handles securely fastened - which can double as sturdy hangers or assist in entering/exiting the vehicle. Will update this info - in coming decade. Barry
  4. 2012 SXT - 21K miles. Purchased vehicle with 19K .... Have become aware of a nasty grabbing when applying brakes in a forceful manner. Gradual braking just fine. But - in those few instances when you 'for sure' need to stab the brakes - the car pitches forward and feels like lock-up. Afraid to do a heavy breaking test at speed - given this reaction at even reduced speed with hard breaking. Past experience with anti lock brakes (many different autos) would result in pulsing of break peddle as anti lock made itself known, with accepted procedure being to keep firm pressure on peddle as opposed to pumping brakes.. Is anti lock system adjustable? Barry
  5. Fight the urge to make some wise-crack about having the lengthwise rails - but not the cross rails. Bought my car - used - and in a hurry so did not spec out car as one might when setting up a purchase from new. Actually, have noticed Chrysler (Dodge) not only one to outfit cars like this. Have noticed other SUV's similarly without cross-rails. On more positive note: I like the look of the Journey - as well as the performance. It's the Silver color - and to me - looks kinda Benzy. A good shout out also for the variable whatsis of the six cylinder engine - performs very smooth. Stay on the bright side people - that's important, particularly if you don't have any cross rails. (I held out for 3 paragraphs). Regards, Barry
  6. Hello All: I own 2012 Journey SXT. Happy with the car - I am familiar with 4 wheel and full time all wheel drive having owned different versions of Grand Cherokee in past. However, quite pleased with sure footedness of the All Wheel Drive fitted to my car. Question regarding roof rack. Are the cross brackets something to be purchased as accessory? Don't want to strap something ( long ladder, etc.) to very roof of the car. thnx. Barry
  7. With reference to the 2012 SXT - believe the headlight control dial has to be active (if auto) or turned to parking or lights on - for fog light to come on when dial is depressed. Also - fog light will not activate if high beams are on. Barry
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