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Ryan Mink

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About Ryan Mink

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  1. Will be my first and last! Never had so many problems with a car before.
  2. Yes it is an auto. Nothing got spilled as far as I know. Brake is firmly pressed. I just ended up ordering a new cable. This car has been nothing but trouble, will be the last dodge I will buy.
  3. I have a 2010 Journey. The shifter is extremely hard to move in between gears. I am guessing its the cable but wanted opionions before I buy a new cable. I took it off at the shifter and it moved fine between the gears. I hooked it back up and removed it at the transmission. Still very tight between gears while its unhooked at the trans. Thanks for any input
  4. I have a 2010 Journey 4cyl. The alternator is making tons of noise after only 40,000 miles. Can I change out just the pulley on this? Or do I have to buy a new alternator? Not having any problems with charging just the horrible racket coming from the pulley.
  5. Ok thanks for the response. I am going to take the belt off tommorow. That will tell me fast if its coming from a pulley or the motor.
  6. Yes the oil level is fine. That was the first thing I checked. The oil was also changed about a month ago.
  7. I bought the car used. It was a certified pre owned! I have had NOTHING but trouble since I got the car. New brakes after 2 months, windshield almost flew off why driving (in shop 2 times), rear strut bad already, window button broke. I just cant take much more of this car right now. Shouldnt have so many problems with this low miles. last 8 digits of vin are AT141950 Thanks for any help!
  8. They are the only one around. Yesterday I called them because I was not sure of the drivetrain warranty. They told me it was 3 years 36,000 miles. I looked everywhere online and it said 5 year 100,00 for the drivetrain.
  9. I took it to the dealer yesterday. They wanted a $150 deductible to check it out. They said it could be the motor or alternator making the noise without really looking at the car. I decided to post on here just to see before I spent the $150. If it was the motor I would get the money back but not if its the alternator. It only has 41,000 miles on it.
  10. My 2010 Dodge Journey started making this noise a couple days ago. I know its hard to get a real good idea from the video. Anyhow here is a link. Any suggestions what this could be? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJbm1Eys8_8
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