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Lobitz68 last won the day on October 6 2019

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About Lobitz68

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  1. Mine was only slightly more than this with 24 miles on it brand new...
  2. While I agree that they offer unneeded service, I have never encountered a dealer that suggests it NEEDS to be done. I wouldn't call that ripping people off or being dishonest...just suggesting a service that they offer.
  3. I'm just over 41,000 on my 2014 with a similar experience. Had the recall performed on the ABS module and a PCM update made (since I was already there) and that is it.
  4. I have had great success with them on heavy vehicles. I would avoid Drilled ones though...
  5. Was looking at one of these while I had mine in for the ABS recall... Gorgeous.
  6. I believe in the tooth fairy.
  7. This is an oil level code I assume, based on jkeaton's reply? Was the light blinking?? This is probably the easiest indicator to tell you whether or not it is okay to drive the vehicle (and it should state this in your OWNER'S MANUAL). If the light is blinking, turn off the vehicle immediately. If it is a solid light, get it checked ASAP, but it is okay to drive the vehicle in the meantime. I would agree that this is probably a faulty sensor, but make sure your oil level is correct.
  8. Care to expand? Got a link to a process, or a process name I can refer to in a search?
  9. Well done. How did you do the clear corner reflector lens?
  10. They are, but I think they both fit as long as you're not concerned about the cargo cover.
  11. Just because it isn't enforced doesn't mean there aren't laws... Alabama Additional Permissible Lights on Vehicles: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/alcode/32/5/9/2/32-5-241 Alabama Light, Lamps and Reflective Device Laws: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/alcode/32/5/9/2
  12. maybe offer to review it for them in exchange for a discounted price???
  13. Waseca, MN?? That's in southern MN where it's fairly warm in the winter! You have a point on getting rear ended, I guess my point was that it MAY help me to avoid an accident by providing more traction to stop or by making it harder to lose control performing some maneuvers. Either way, assuming I drive to the conditions (which I do), they are more helpful than not. Of course we still don't have any snow that has stuck around this year. They did perform great last night when the temp dropped quickly and the roads by my house in the burbs were like an ice rink.
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