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About jwin1845

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  1. Is there a turn signal flasher relay for the 2012 journey SE? I put LEDs in the rear turn signals and now have the hyper flashing and im not comfortable putting resistors in since they get very hot and will melt plastic. If there is a flasher relay, where is it located? Thanks
  2. jwin1845

    image 6

    Thanks! Really gives the Journey a whole new look.
  3. jwin1845

    image 6

    These are actually 20x9 all the way around with 255/45R20.
  4. I used black plasti dip. Did three light coats of the black and then put a very very light spray of the silver metallizer to blend it a little better with the metallic look of the body paint and then applied three coats of glossifier. Also I will put up a new picture soon of the lights looking even glossier with the help of a little trick I learned the other day.
  5. jwin1845

    New here

    Just introducing myself. Bought my wife a 2012 Journey AVP 2 years back and am just now getting around to changing it up to my liking. See you guys around and here are some pics to get it started.
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