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dodgpwr last won the day on November 13 2017

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  1. Just finished and there's plenty on heat.....i didn't have to cut and splice the lines with heater hose tho....my old fitting didn't fit the new heater core but was overall painless....heat is good on both sides of car after getting all the air out of the system
  2. The coolant runs thru the oil cooler so if it was plugged it would affect the flow.....i am using a short cut from a very close friend who's a mechanic.....its quite simple to do....if u very carefully open the crimps on the tubes u can move them aside and slide the core right out and retold the crimps back to the new one....u just change the seal that come with the new one and don't have to take the whole dash apart
  3. I've flushed out the oil cooler and replaced the thermostat and managed to get a little heat but not on pass side.... blend doors are working fine.....heater core is most likely plugged....changing that 2moro. And see
  4. Ya that true.. ..engine temp seems to be normal tho
  5. By dodgpwr, 11 hours ago in Forum Help and help i have no heat inside the cabin....ive done some diagnosing and backflushed the heater core and checked the blend doors....i am not getting heat into the heater core and ive been told it could be a stuck open tstat or a plugged oil cooler.....09 3.5 sxt 175,000kms
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