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Everything posted by dixond72

  1. I like the look but agree they will not protect much, but a lot of us add things like bug shields, mud flaps, etc. that now days don't do what they did back in the day. Bug shields are more decorative than functional yea they will keep chips off the edge of the hood but will not deflect a bug from hitting the windshield like they use to. Mud flaps art the same, and everyone wants a spoiler and on most cars they do nothing Its just an appearance thing different strokes for different folks. I could go on but you get the point. Just my opinion.
  2. Nice, I wonder how many cross to 2014?
  3. Thanks, Ill have to get five post before I can PM him my Journey is going to the dealer tomorrow for other service and they are going to try to turn the DRL's on. They said if they have to change it to a Canadian vin they will not do it because that is illegal. I tried to explain what others were having done but he seemed like he didn't want to listen so I will copy some of the post from here so he can read for himself. Thanks again for your help it is appreciated.
  4. What dealer in pittsburgh did you use? I am in Ohio and all the dealers hear say it can't be done.
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