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Austin Scarano

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Everything posted by Austin Scarano

  1. I have had my 2012 Dodge Journey for over a year now...LOVE IT....until today.I have never had a problem with it so it makes me sad it's acting up:-( I was dropping my husband off at work this morning and the car was fine, got on the freeway to get home no problem, got off and got to the stop light and that's when everything went to hell...It starts shaking, then the light turned green to go and it kept hesitating to accelerate...then the engine light came on! What do I do now? Heat gage was normal, gas was a little low so I Idol'ed it down the street to get gas and that didn't work, I've NEVER had a problem with this car before....I'm so frustrated!
  2. I have had my 2012 Dodge Journey for over a year now...LOVE IT....until today.I have never had a problem with it so it makes me sad it's acting up:-( I was dropping my husband off at work this morning and the car was fine, got on the freeway to get home no problem, got off and got to the stop light and that's when everything went to hell...It starts shaking, then the light turned green to go and it kept hesitating to accelerate...then the engine light came on! What do I do now? Heat gage was normal, gas was a little low so I Idol'ed it down the street to get gas and that didn't work, I've NEVER had a problem with this car before....I'm so frustrated!
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