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Everything posted by nash211

  1. So what batteries have you guys installed was thinking of putting in a optima battery, suggestions. allot of people are having issues with factory batteries. Mine has gone dead and I am not going to replace it often or have to get a boost just buy a good one from the start, mine probably under warranty.
  2. I had a 2005 Jeep and had a small dent in the door, they tried to match the paint in two paint shops who are very good could not match the paint perfectly, had to paint the entire side to make it look good, so I would get it fixed because I am the fussy type. Tell them to fix it, or replace it. Just my opinion
  3. That is too bad as long as you are fine
  4. So far I have no complaints with my Journey, good in snow, have no issues getting stuck LOL. The ride seems very good, i do want to change the tires and get Black rims. Sound system very good, interior very nice not allot of road noise, but I did undercoat the journey.
  5. Nice set of rims. I think I would put black on mine though
  6. Fixed, removed the ground cable let it sit for about half hour, lubricated all the buttons for door locks including the outside door handles, works perfectly.
  7. I have 2014 Dodge journey and this same thing just happened to me, the doors just keep locking themselves. they stop when the dash lights go out. But while driving the doors lock and unlock, non stop. The tech said there is a setting on the dash where you can shut off the rolling door locks, no such thing.
  8. nash211

    Cracking leather

    I use adams car care products works great
  9. I have not had any issues with the original Khumo tires yet, not bad on ice or snow.
  10. Thanks for the review, glad to hear your journey has been good to you, I a relatively new hope mine is as good
  11. Yes I work EMS and I am glad you are ok, seen allot that patients were not.
  12. Well today escaped someone backing into me driving down the back alley, he was backing out, not paying attention, tired to brake, decided to scoot behind him, I stepped on the gas, and drove through some heavier snow, went right behind, all wheels grabbed and escaped narrowly. Thank God. AWL drive worked great today.
  13. Live in Melville Saskatchewan, I know there are a couple of Melville`s. Just got the journey recently. pedalled my bike all summer, drove very little, so do not really know if it happens to me in the summer.
  14. Thanks for the info. my journey does this too. i will try the park to neutral thing too.
  15. Thanks Terry I live close to you , Melville, Thanks for the Info, I went to the journey from a Dodge Ram 1500, I was concerned about the snow. looks like there should not be any problems for me. I want to change the tires out to something wider, give a more beefier look, probably this coming year.
  16. sounds very nice, good job
  17. First year for me in our Canadian winters, got about a foot of snow, no problem going through it so far with the AWD. Really good on those slippery sections so far, stock Kumo tires. I still want to change out the tires for wider ones and nicer rims.
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