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About Rckcrwlr

  • Birthday September 3

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    U.S. Northeast
  • Journey's Year

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  1. For $50 it's worth the chance, IMO. That is one of the perils of working on cars.
  2. How about this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/2012-DODGE-Journey-Telematics-HFM-Module-05091072AD-/151569113574?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item234a3921e6&vxp=mtr Or this?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/CHRYSLER-JEEP-DODGE-UCONNECT-BLUETOOTH-COMMUNICATION-MODULE-DURANGO-/111627678018?hash=item19fd873142&vxp=mtr
  3. Yes it has but not to the point of complete shut down. I have had two other issues with the radio over the years. One was a flash issue (?) and other was something with Sirius/XM (that still isn't right). Unfortunately my dealer is not one that I trust and only go there when I have no other option. They are always trying to run the bill up instead of helping a customer get things back on track. One example is the rear sensors. One of mine broke...I asked what the price of one was and they hit me with $380. I just wanted the sensor, everything else is fine. They said you can't do it, have to by a whole rear bumper shroud. I bought the sensor off ebay for $25 shipped and it is fixed. I would have paid $50 for it from them to support my local dealer but no luck. This dealer, unfortunately is a walk from my house but when I go buy my new Jeep...I will be traveling an hour away.
  4. Dealer wants $475 for it. May have to go to ebay to get it or just live without it and by a phone holder.
  5. The icon will not work. When I touch it, the icon highlights but nothing happens. Also in the settings, the same thing happens when I touch the Phone/Bluetooth option. Pulled the battery with no success. The procedure did not reset for me. Nor did the Hot/Cold Video.
  6. Not sure if this was ever posted but check it out. Not recommended unless you know what you are doing... https://youtu.be/SJKRr2V8spo
  7. A month ago, during the deep cold (-24), my battery died. I have since put a new one in but now have issue with my phone not connecting. I took it to the dealer and they said I need a $450 Handsfree Module. Is that my only option?
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