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Journey Member
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  • Birthday 11/13/1963
  1. I have used Mobile 1...forever / prefer the 0-40w up here in Iowa. I recently switched to Royal Purple...which I had ignored all along since I thought of it as an Expensive Racing Oil. Yes, it is more expensive - up front. I would change the Mobile 1 every 3000 miles. I then (finally) read the Royal Purple web site from front to back - clicked everywhere & watched all videos, and found you can go 12,000 miles before the next change. Pulled out the calculator...and it IS cheaper to use the RP vs. Mobile 1 under my conditions. I stilll was skeptical about the 12K change, so I e-mailed RP, and the Rep (of course) stated "that 12,000 is a conservative mileage for our product" I then switched my '95 Impala SS over to RP / got a confirmed 2.8 MPG gain over what I had been getting - SWEET! When we purchased the Journey, I waited until 2000 (as recommended by RP) then changed over. Again I seen a 2.5 confirmed MPG gain! I'm sold. I will be switching the tranny fluid over to RP soon to additionally lessen wear/tear, and improve my mileage (the RP website has video clips about improved performance & gas mileage by changing all fluids over to RP) Hope this helps!
  2. So I pulled the taillights off the vehicle to smoke them (no...not like a cigarette) - low & behold, the "inner" lenses have amber bulbs in them! WTF? The Brake / Tail - outer bulbs are clear, so why amber in a red lens? Makes no sense. I can see a visible difference in light output between the clear vs. amber. Has anyone else checked theirs? I have an appointment with the Dodge Dealer on Thursday to have them replaced. I have looked at many auto parts stores for a clear version of the amber bulbs with no luck.
  3. Yes...the closing of the top lid is a bit challenging with the 33-2206...and with one person trying to do it...I had to be smarter than the task @ hand. Used a 3" C clamp to compress the closure together / you have a very small lip to get ahold of on the airbox...but it worx better than trying to press it down manually, and hook the clip @ the same time. Hope this helps!
  4. Labelle - Did the warranty cover the shock install since one was w/o fluid? Did you take it to a Dodge dealer? I too - have felt that the rear end was a bit bouncy & soft. Did you get new factory shocks or aftermarket?
  5. I'm gonna' go with Larryl - I am a huge fan of the Firestone Winterforce. Tried the Hankook Icebears - total CRAP in snow. I have two (2) sets of the Firestones - one for the Journey and one for my RWD 1995 Impala SS / I will use no other winter tire... ...and they are less expensive than the Blizzaks.
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