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About Kmich

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    U.S. Great Lakes
  1. Jkeaton, Of course I had the battery tested and it tested good. I also had a company vehicle that was a Chrysler minivan that had all kinds of problems. Now when the tow truck driver comes to pick up the vehicle and states he wouldn't recommend dodge/chrysler vehicles bc he tends to tow them more often, then I put a little more stock in that. On top of all this a classmate of mine bought a brand new dodge journey in 2013 and had all sorts of problems. To the extent he used the lemon law and got his money back bc in 3 months, his vehicle was in the shop more than at home. My guess is that you probably work for them. It's ok, nobody likes to hear their baby is ugly. However, clearly there are issues with these vehicles.
  2. My wife's 09 Journey just started doing this. It happened for the first time 3 months ago when we were an hour away at our son's baseball game. It happened then a couple weeks ago. And it did it again yesterday. In the previous 2 cases after letting it sit for a couple hours it eventually started. However yesterday it did not happen. It sat overnight at my wife's school and I tried starting it again today with no luck. The dashboard, lights, and radio all turn on, but I only get a click when trying to start. Others have stated to try jiggling the shifter, getting out of the vehicle and locking and unlocking the doors, removing one of the fuses for a few minutes. None of that workes. This vehicle is a piece of junk and completely unreliable. I called Chrysler Cares helpline. Basically, they don't give two hoots about it. They said they haven't received really any complaints about it. I told them to go on their own website and check the hundreds of peoplw who have had the same problem. They told me, they will only issue a recall if "FORMAL" complaints are made. So I urge everyone to call them and make formal complaints bc this is a much bigger problem than they are acknowledging. I hope someone from Chrysler/Dodge reads this bc I will never buy one of your piece of junk vehicles again. I will also make sure no family member or friend buys one. You have ruined your reputation by pretending this problem doesn't exist.
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