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OhareFred last won the day on September 18 2023

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  1. According to FCA, the factory location for the backup camera on a 2019 is by the license plate with the display in the radio screen (was like that on my 09 as well). What you have is an aftermarket system,likely added by the dealer before you bought it. I’d go to wherever you bought your car and ask them about it. It is not a factory system.
  2. Now that’s skill! But if it’s been OK over the past year I think you lost the trans. Engine reving+no movement= transmission issue (at least afaik)
  3. So it’s been OK for a year? How did you’re son get it home if it only had reverse, drive backwards? If you suddenly now can’t drive it, first have it scanned with a professional scanner that can read all the systems, not just basic engine. Go from there. Sounds like the tranny is gone.
  4. I know my dealer would remove the antenna when they washed it. anyway, I thought the camera being in the review was not OEM, but was not sure if they changed it for 2019. I thought cars had to come with a backup camera after 2017 or there about s. Sounds like the review camera is aftermarket, question now is who put it in?
  5. Are you under warranty? Let them fix it
  6. My 09 3.5 6 cyl would occasionally do the same thing. Turn the key, get a click, turn again and it starts fine. Replaced the starter,battery, ign module, cleaned all the grounds, tightened all the cables, checked all the cables and it still did it once in a blue moon. Only thing I could think of is I didn’t hold the key long enough in the start position. Never did figure it out. Just lived with it because it never left us stranded..
  7. Sounds like you need a new transmission. Who did all the other transmission work?
  8. From the lack of response I guess the OP fixed it/figured it out. Might remain one of life’s great mysteries….??
  9. A couple things come to mind….. Is the fan turning on? Did the repair guy forget to reconnect it? Fan should turn on as soon as AC is turned on (ifI remember correctly). Did you try bleeding it? Get any air out? Do you have 3 zone heat/ac? Could have more air in there then you would think. Was the correct temp thermostat installed? Was the thermostat that was removed OEM? If not, was the old one the correct temperature for the car? There are thermostats that are 165,180,195 degrees that will all fit. Someone could have slipped in a 180 and not the OEM temperature one. Sorry, just saw it’s a 2019 Are you out of warranty already? More then 36k miles/36 months?
  10. That is a definite possibility. You could have burned out the diodes in the alternator. Again, take out the battery (even if you think it’s good) and alternator and have them tested. The alternator may be under warranty. Replace what’s bad and start there. Once you know for sure you have a good battery and alternator we can go from there. Make sure the cables are tight, and nothing on the cables are loose or broken. Newer cars have battery monitors right on the cables. If they get damaged you need new cables. Your also going to have to fix that broken dipstick as well.
  11. So I understand this correctly, you can’t check the oil because the stick is broken (happened on my 09 as well) but you added oil….why? Not to be mean, but it becoming apparent that either you are not very mechanically inclined or that you are not maintaining this car correctly, throwing parts at it, and asking why it won’t run. It may be cheaper to tow it to a repair facility and have them tell you what’s wrong. If you can’t/don’t want to, then this is how I would proceed. If I were you, I would do the following things before I went another step further, even if it means taking them out/off the car to do it: 1: Get the battery tested with an electronic battery tester, not the old carbon pile type. 2: Get the alternator tested and verify it’s the correct one. 3: Fix the dipstick. Too much oil is as bad as too little. Sometimes you can grab the broken end with a pair of needle nose pliers, then just install a new one. once those are done
  12. I think first you need to address the battery issue. Sounds like the battery is internally shorted. No matter what you do, if you don’t get a known good battery in there it will never run. Gone are the days of jumping a car with a totally dead battery and have the car run. how about opening the glovebox, take everything out, then try closing it again. You could try to peak up from the passenger footwell and see if you see any light….
  13. You could refill the system with THE PROPER refrigerant (several types) with dye in it, HOWEVER if you are not familiar with working on AC systems, take it to a auto ac repair place. Your mechanic does not sound like he/she is familiar with AC systems. If you are low/empty on Freon the compressor will not engage. Once you know what part needs to be replaced you might be able to get it online, but you just don’t change the part and refill the system. There is more to it. AC systems are not really a DIY project…..
  14. In my 09 when I heard hissing the system had a leak. Don’t waste your money just refilling the Freon. Take it to a qualified shop, find the leak, and fix it. The only way you get low on Freon is if it leaks out. It does not get used up.
  15. Not sure what we will get. Going to wait till we are settled in AZ in the new house. Another suv I’m sure, but I really liked the Pacifica I had as a loaner from the dealer….
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