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gazjoureny last won the day on September 28 2024

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About gazjoureny

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    Australia and Oceania
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  1. 3.6 Penstar rear wheel drive. With the draconian speed limits and policing here in Australia you can be fined $300+ for doing 102km/h in a 100km/h zone. I don't drive it like I stole it LOL.
  2. Hi all, Been awhile since I have posted. I brought my JC R/T 2014 journey brand new in August 2014. Ten years later and 130,000km (where has the time gone) and the Journey still puts a smile on my dial . Apart from Oil & filter & brake fluid changes the only money (AUD $) I have spent on the Journey in 10 years is $189 New battery ( That was fun to change LOL) $60 4 new Tyre pressure sensors $62 new rear view camera. It still has the original brake pads all round with about 30% meat left on them. Around town I get 11 Litres per 100km. On the highway 8.4. Here is a review I posted on an Australian car website 2 years ago and all my comment still stand. https://www.carexpert.com.au/owner-reviews/2014-dodge-journey-owner-review It just a shame Dodge didn't decide to continue and update the Dodge Journey. But the way mine is going I don't think I will be thinking about replacing it for at least another 10 years. Enjoys the Journey all Gaz
  3. Hi all, update: got 4 new tires and got 4 new sensors from eBay ($60 aud) fitted today and the issue is now fixed. thanks to all for assistance. I don’t use this forum as often as I should, but when I do it always provides the answer. 9 years and 120000km it’s still the best car I have ever owned ?
  4. Thanks all, I am due to replace my tires within the next 6 months or so. I will get the tire shop to replace all 4 TPMS then and hope that fixes the issue. Gaz
  5. Hi All, had the "Service Tire Pressure system" come up with front left showing --(see attached). I then swapped front left wheel with rear Right wheel went for a 30 minute drive and the front Left is still showing -- (the rest are showing the correct PSI) This makes me think its the actual TPS Module that is Bung. Can someone please confirm where this is actual located (i have read left back wheel arch & also Front right wheel arch) Any info or advise would be appreciated I have purchased 4 new TPSM but I don't see the scene in changing the front left one if the Module is actually broken Thanks Gaz
  6. Hi All, long time since I have posted here (apologises) . Well last week my reversing camera decided to invert the image or just show lots of black lines. So after checking out youtube decided to replace it myself. The boot lid cover is a bit of a pain to get off, just go slow there are about 12 clips that need to be popped off the body. I ordered this camera from ebay Australia(may be cheaper in USA) https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/195518343909 and now my camera looks like this Happy day. its been almost 9 years of ownership & 117,000km and the Journey still puts a smile on my face every time I drive it
  7. Hi all, Been a while since my last post (life gets in the way sometimes). So just hit 7 years ownership 96,000km (60,000 Miles) and journey still makes me smile every time I drive it. Yes I had the Map issue 4 years ago which was fixed under warranty , no issues since (wish I could find a more up to date map for Australia but that a minor thing). There are still things the Journey has that most new SUV's still don't have Under floor storage in 2nd row Passenger seat storage passenger seat fold flat so you can carry 2.7m (9foot) timber inside the car 2nd row doors open 90 degrees 2nd row seat base folds up when you slide it forward to give better access to 3rd row Roof racks as standard LED tail light as standard The only addition I have made is to installed an LED numberplate light bar Here's to another 7 years of great ownership Gaz
  8. Welcome WytChoclij, Hope you enjoy your Journey as much as most of us do here Gaz
  9. Hi All, My 2014 dodge journey got the "cant unlock Maps" feature . I understand these things happen, took it to the dealer(as still under warrenty) As im in Australia the dealer advised 2 weeks to get a new unit from america. It arrived in 10 days. dealer installed and now I have 2017 Maps rather than 2014 (win win). After almost 3 years of ownership my dodge journey still puts a smile on my dial I still wouldnt trade it for anything else. Gaz
  10. Hi All, Couldn't fit my whole question in the title "Can I lock my 2014 Dodge Journey with the metal key, whilst the FOB is still in the car??" Reason for the request, I have a boat with a trailer, I would like to only carry the metal key with me in the boat and not have the FOB any were near water (better safe than sorry) . Yes I have read the manual, but I can only lock the drivers door with the metal key (all of the rest remain unlocked) .If I lock the car from the drivers inside door,once I close the door all the locks "unlock" and the car beeps 3 times. Maybe Dodge is just playing it ultra safe so FOB is not left in car (I can understand this as if someone breaks a window they can then start the car. Any suggestion would be apprecaited Thanks Gary
  11. gazjoureny

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    just added myself, another one down under
  12. something new to make me smile with the Dodge Joourney pause DVD player Change input to Sd card or radio get home turn off Dodge Journey Jump in the next day change source back to DVD Hit play resumes were you left off I know these a little things, but it is the simple things in life I enjoy beacuse they just work Gary
  13. Hi all, Just had my 24,000km (11,900 miles) Service on my 2014 Dodge Journey. The brake pads front and rear still have 90% left on them. As the mechanic said "That's Bugger all " (I hope I have not offend anyone with the word "Bugger" if you have ever been to Australia its almost as popular as G'day mate Gary
  14. Great report Retired Chief, As I have siad on this forum more than once they are a fantasic vehicle, only had mine for 18 months and not a thing wrong with it. Puts a smile on my dial evry time I get in it Gary
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