We have a 2012 Crew, and it went a couple years before the problem emerged during an extremely cold winter spell (persistent daytime temps of -30 plus wind chill, and overnight temps of -40 and colder. plus windchill) in Winnipeg. Then, we blew hoses four times in the space of six weeks. Not fun. Then we were good for a couple years, until Transport Canada forced Chrysler to issue the recall in 2016. We had the recall performed as quickly as possible, and that got us through one and a half winters, until the problem recurred late this winter, albeit less catastrophically. We've had a leak for a few months now, which I've been nursing by adding ATF+4 fluid.
Took it to the dealership for some bodywork and I had them take a look while it was there. They told me at that time that it was the high pressure line leaking this time, not the return, and that even if it was the return line which was replaced as part of the recall, they wouldn't warranty the work since more than a year had passed. This pissed me off so I drove away. A couple months later (and an oil slick in my driveway) and I finally took the time to jack it up and inspect myself. I can unequivocally say that it is again the return line, leaking from somewhere within the rubber portion, which is covered with a hose loom so I can't see exactly where.
I was initially thinking I would take it off myself and take it to a hydraulic shop to have the hose remade properly, but upon a closer look at the location of that hose, I couldn't confidently remove and replace it myself. So, I called Transport Canada, and low and behold, there is another investigation underway, this time for failures on the recall work. I logged my problem, and got a reference number and a request to report back with any developments.
I took it back to the dealership and asked for the service manager, I wound up talking to the shop foreman, and at his request made an appointment. He indicated that if the work they did was faulty, that they would 'do something'. The appointment isn't for a couple days, but I will report back afterwards. Until then, if you have this issue, call Transport Canada at 1-800-333-0510 to let them know, as it will help with the investigation.
For the record, I absolutely cannot believe this is still an issue. It is completely ridiculous and could easily be solved by adding a bypass into the system loop to bypass the cooler in cold weather (when pressures reach a certain point), by using better quality fluid, and by using properly constructed hoses.