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Everything posted by jeepdaddy65

  1. Disconnecting the battery worked, had to call sirius xm to resend the signal and get all my channels back. It is under warranty, but I would rather not sit at the dealer all day. Ended up working out ok. Thanks for the advice and help
  2. Thanks for the info, I will try what you suggest. If that doesn't work looks like a trip to the dealer. Thanks
  3. Having problems with my Sirius XM sattelite radio. It is frozen and won't change channels or volume, even the Sirius ID Is not showing. AM and FM work fine. Sirius said it was a hardware problem, vehicle is under warranty, just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. It is a 2014 SXT AWD
  4. Got back from the dealer, they told me it was the antenna, they said they realigned it and tightened it up, we will see next time it rains.
  5. Thanks for adding me as a member. Just bought a 2014 SXT AWD. Love it so far, had I known these were so nice would have bought sooner. One problem, raining here in Ohio and found that I have a small leak in the back, I assume it's coming from the antenna or roof rack. Calling dealer in the morning, thank god for warranty
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