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Cold Weather Starts/Plugging In Block Heater

Alan Sex

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Some really cold (-30 C) weather here in Calgary over the last week. I wasn't able to plug my journey in - and lo and behold it wouldn't start. Boosted it, ran it, and then shut it off to see if it would start again. Nada, nothing, zilch.

Had to get it towed to the dealer - tow truck driver said he had hauled quite a few journeys in the last day or two. Waiting to hear from the dealer as to what the problem is.

Anyone hear of an inherent problem with the Journey in cold weather?

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So you had nothing not even a very slow crank? That is very rotten to hear. We had a short lived minus 20 cold snap here and mine was fine. Certainly not the temps you in Alberta have had. I heard today it was like minus 45c in Edmonton the other day. Keep us posted what the problem was.

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