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Somebody anybody everybody please help! A good friend of mine, in which I hadn't heard from in a few weeks, I found out recently was incarcerated for missing a court date. His 2009 Dodge Journey was parked at a retail store and to date they were kind enough to not have it towed but that time is soon run out. He was just able to get in contact with me days ago I found out the status of his car and the manager gave me until Friday (it's Thursday as I'm writing this) have it moved. The spare key fob is not in the place where my friend swore he left it. Is there a way of bypassing the ignition and security systems so I can safety Drive the car out there without damaging the computer before his car gets towed and literally have to pay a thousand plus dollars to get out of a tow yard when is finally released. Please help the information about what to do or what not to do when bypassing these systems.

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why not have a tow truck come move it less than $ 60-100, for the tow to his house or yours, better than trying to hack up the wiring. i assume you have access to the inside of the journey so disconnect the battery if your worried about the alarm


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