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Transmission Slipping and 10 Codes being thrown out

Armando G

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Well, here we go. On my way home today, driving at a normal street speed of about 25 mph, I noticed my RPM's at around 5000 and the car starting to slow down. My 2015 sxt 6 cyl, was acting like it was in neutral and I was reving the engine (my foot was off the gas pedal). The car slowed to about 10 mph and all of a sudden it caught and everything seemed to be OK. My drive home is about 4 miles, so I continued with everything now seeming to be OK. About a half a mile from home, I tried to take off from a red light and nothing. The car just reved up and I went no where. Hazard lights on and my arm waving everyone around me (dirty looks and honking...yeah thanks). I turned the car off, sat there for about 20 seconds, and restarted it (I just wanted to get close to my house)...it went like normal. About a half a block further, it started reving up and it felt like neutral again. Check engine light came on and I coasted to a legal stop in a parking spot this time. Sat for another couple of minutes (called the wife to let her know I'm NOT out screwing around...very important you know), and gave it another go since I was now only 5 or 6 blocks away. Started up and drove like normal again...made it to the corner of my house and she started acting up again. This time I parked it and turned it off to walk the rest of the way. I pulled out my little trusty scanner and got 10 codes on the reader...what the heck?!?!? I immediately called my local dealership and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning. Planning on getting it towed to the dealership (thank you AAA) and am hoping it is all covered by the 5yr/100k mile powetrain warranty. The positive, I just got back from a 400 mile trip down to Disneyland in southern CA (I'm in northern CA). If this happened a few days ago I would of been screwed. Anyway, I have not had a single major issue with this car and my dealership has been amazing with any minor issue or recalls I have gone in for. I will update the post with what happens and hopefully it will all be good news.


Irony here...I just had my other car (Ford Focus) at the dealership for over a week with a transmission job that was covered under warranty. The car is 7 years old with 68k miles and the first two dealerships told me it would cost me almost $6000 - no warranty. I called Ford directly and they got me set up with another dealership that was further away, but who fixed it all under warranty and gave me a loaner for the entire time the car was in there. Turns out the powertrain warranty for that car was extended to 10yrs/70k miles...I just made it. Hopefully I'll have just as good of an experience with Dodge...fingers crossed.

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Well here we are at day 6 of my DJ being at the dealer. They say the transmission is gone and every code was from the transmission. They now need to take it apart and take pictures to send in for warranty approval, but have 4 other cars in front of me. Today I was told they should get approval by next Monday (REALLY!!!???). In the meantime I have no car and can't get a loaner/rental until the work is approved. FCA says they approve the work according to what is submitted by the dealer, but they told me to go ahead and rent a car... they may approve a reimbursement after the work is done. I can't afford a 'maybe' approval. So my question is... the dealership states it is my transmission that is under the powertrain warranty, but the dealership has to submit the work for approval, and FCA approves it depending on what the dealer is submitting, why do I have to wait? The dealer already stated it was the transmission that is covered under warranty. It was their product that crapped out on me, yet I have no car and they don't seem to be in any hurry. This dealership has always done the work on my car, so they have records of everything done to it. Car has been maintained and well taken care of. 


Anyway, had to vent a little since it seems like Dodge is very nonchalant about the whole thing. I didn't buy the car at this dealer so I am trying to be patient, but it gets frustrating when no one seems to really have any urgency and I'm the one suffering.  

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well at least it sounds like you are going to  be covered, that is a big expense,  bum a ride or carpool or whatever, maybe a different dealership could do it quicker. maybe dodge care could help out here. dont know how to flag them...

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46 minutes ago, 2late4u said:

well at least it sounds like you are going to  be covered, that is a big expense,  bum a ride or carpool or whatever, maybe a different dealership could do it quicker. maybe dodge care could help out here. dont know how to flag them...

Yeah, been bumming rides left and right and the key words are "sounds like". No one will give me a definite answer. Just keep telling myself... everything will work out. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, 23 days after I dropped the DJ off, I finally got it back. :hyper:

My DJ had "total" transmission failure and was originally scheduled to get the tranny rebuilt. Luckily, after they recalculated the labor cost of doing that, they decided to just give me a new transmission (that also cut two days from the total repair time). :spend:They also replaced the transmission cooling pump to make sure all of the related components were good. Felt great on the drive home and felt great being in my car after dealing with two rentals during the repair. 

The process was frustrating, but after it was all said and done they took care of it all under warranty. :yahoo:

Here's hoping for no more issues going forward :)

Also, just want to give a shout out to Putnam Chrysler/ Dodge in Burlingame, CA for taking care of me. 


Edited by Armando G
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They said it worked out to be around $7k-$8k, but that was because of the extra labor spent diagnosing the transmission itself. They had to take it apart and submit pictures to FCA in order to get the warranty approved. The initial submission they sent stated it needed a tranny replacement, but FCA requested the further diagnosis... hence additional hours. If FCA had just approved their initial diagnosis, it could of been completed in basically a week. 

By the way, I just looked under the hood and car out of curiosity, and sure enough there's a new, clean transmission sitting under that engine. :yahoo:

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