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Automatically roll up the window

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Hi, first i am sorry if this was already covered in the forum, I couldnt find about ... anyway, here comes the question ... I am buying my Journey RT in Buenos Aires-ARG and you know the sales man generally doesnt know to much about the car and all the Toys right ... I am from Brazil and one thing that every single car here has (or at least has the optional) are all windows closed automatically when you lock the car from the key ... this is very common and very, very confortable ... the Journey Salesman told me that my RT doesnt have that ... I downloaded and read the manual and I saw there is no reference to the topic either ... in summary

I really wont have this confortable feature in my car ? someone has and knows how to install or activate that ? I want my 4 windows closed when lock from the key.


Please advise, and thank you for forehand.



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I'm not sure about your cars in South America, but here in the US my Journey will only lower the front two windows with the remote (press unlock twice and hold the second time), but it will not raise the windows.

My wife's Mercedes will raise or lower the windows with the remote, so it can be done and it is not a safety issue.

I'm not sure if this info helps, but Happy Motoring.....

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  On 2/16/2010 at 4:51 PM, brwengel said:

I'm not sure about your cars in South America, but here in the US my Journey will only lower the front two windows with the remote (press unlock twice and hold the second time), but it will not raise the windows.

My wife's Mercedes will raise or lower the windows with the remote, so it can be done and it is not a safety issue.

I'm not sure if this info helps, but Happy Motoring.....

Yep, i saw the lower windows by key ... here if it is not from the manufacturer directly, you can install a "module" and activate this auto close by key ... generally comes with an alarm system, if you need the alarm.


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  • 4 years later...

Hi, i know the post it is from 2010, but, i bought a Journey R/T (2010) in Brazil this year (2014) and i have the same problem.

I found a solution, i bought a connector from Positron, factory in Brazil. The connector is the Pronnect 440.

The instalation is not so easy. It`s necessary the guide factory and one person who really understand about eletric parts of cars.

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  On 12/15/2014 at 4:13 PM, B4ZINGA said:

Not to be a jerk... but is it that hard to click up the window buttons when you park and let them close themselves before you open the door? R/T trim has one-touch up/down for both front windows.

  On 12/15/2014 at 5:11 PM, jkeaton said:

Thats what I'm saying. It takes all of what, 5 seconds to roll the windows up??

It's rare for me to be the voice of reason, but I'm going to throw out a scenario where, in warmer climates, this feature would be nice.

I have a buddy that lives in Vegas and it is HOT. Opening up the windows for a few minutes before getting in a car that has been in the sun all day makes a huge difference. Even if you have remote start and can let it run with the air on for a bit, it works much better after letting out some of that heat... So, given the climate, I can see where this would be VERY nice to have, and perhaps essential in some people's minds.

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That's entirely too many processes... Use the remote to roll them down, then stand around for a while and then use the remote to roll them up and then use the remote to start the car? I just walk up, unlock the car, open the door (the wife's) and by the time I walk back around the car to my door, her's has been open long enough to vent the heat, we both then get in the car, the windows are still up, start the car, turn on the A/C and we're off.

As for auto-roll up on locking, why? I know full well before I park that I'm going to lock the car (or not) and if I'm in that much of hurry, I hit the "one up" before I'm done parking and then it is a non-issue. Seems like a lot of unnecessary wiring, interlocks and software (a large cost when you are talking thousands of automobiles) for a non-issue (don't see the safety or convenience of having that ability). I can see an issue for the system...if the "in gear" interlock fails, you could be going down the road on a nice spring day and then the car auto-locks the doors and all of a sudden, every window in the car goes up. Maybe you could get them down once that happens, or, perhaps you wouldn't be able to lower the windows as long as the car is locked? If something happens with the windows now, they are a problem to diagnose. Lets add a couple more layers of software and 2,3 or more interlocks to the system...

Like others, I don't see any utility in the ability and the potential for a whole lot "gremlins" with the installation and software. As another has found out in getting an after-market component to do it, you need some expertise to even get that to work... Whenever we are in a truly hot environment, I always leave the windows open a crack to alleviate most of the heat (would the device even allow leaving the windows open a crack?); that's why I have vent visors on all the windows and if it is truly hot, I leave the sunroof in "vent" position. As for security concerns with leaving windows open a crack? I have a carry permit, but, I still wouldn't park and leave my car in an area where leaving the windows cracked is a security issue.

Edited by webslave
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  On 12/15/2014 at 8:44 PM, webslave said:

That's entirely too many processes... Use the remote to roll them down, then stand around for a while and then use the remote to roll them up and then use the remote to start the car? I just walk up, unlock the car, open the door (the wife's) and by the time I walk back around the car to my door, her's has been open long enough to vent the heat, we both then get in the car, the windows are still up, start the car, turn on the A/C and we're off.

As for auto-roll up on locking, why? I know full well before I park that I'm going to lock the car (or not) and if I'm in that much of hurry, I hit the "one up" before I'm done parking and then it is a non-issue. Seems like a lot of unnecessary wiring, interlocks and software (a large cost when you are talking thousands of automobiles) for a non-issue (don't see the safety or convenience of having that ability). I can see an issue for the system...if the "in gear" interlock fails, you could be going down the road on a nice spring day and then the car auto-locks the doors and all of a sudden, every window in the car goes up. Maybe you could get them down once that happens, or, perhaps you wouldn't be able to lower the windows as long as the car is locked? If something happens with the windows now, they are a problem to diagnose. Lets add a couple more layers of software and 2,3 or more interlocks to the system...

Like others, I don't see any utility in the ability and the potential for a whole lot "gremlins" with the installation and software. As another has found out in getting an after-market component to do it, you need some expertise to even get that to work... Whenever we are in a truly hot environment, I always leave the windows open a crack to alleviate most of the heat (would the device even allow leaving the windows open a crack?); that's why I have vent visors on all the windows and if it is truly hot, I leave the sunroof in "vent" position. As for security concerns with leaving windows open a crack? I have a carry permit, but, I still wouldn't park and leave my car in an area where leaving the windows cracked is a security issue.

I do the same thing, was just playing devil's advocate...

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  • 4 months later...


i have a journey R/T 2013 with 8.4 screen and we don´t have this option to enable the automatic lock the door after 24 kmh. in my setup just have the option "auto unlock on exit".

any one know if there is any way to enable this option, because in my country the dealers don´t know nothing and for any changes on the car cost 500 dollars or more. i pay 240 dollars just to solve a problem when i change the hi lamp , because i change for led cob, and the light doesnt work, and i return the original lamp and nothing, i lost 240 dollars for dealers mechanical.

and anyone knows how can i modify or install any module to close the windows when i lock the doors by alarm (remote key)?


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  On 4/18/2015 at 3:09 AM, 11journeybama said:

I want the windows to roll down automatically when I fart. Do we have the technology for that? :)

There's an AFR feature (Automatic Fart Refresh) and you can get Journeyman425 to add it, but you still have to push the button twice to activate it. Nothing comes without a little bit of effort!

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  On 4/18/2015 at 4:57 PM, rolly said:

My wife was from Brantford! They sure sound the same, maybe they're cousins or there's more to this wives club thing!

This will really shake you Rolly but my wife actually did have cousins in Brantford.

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