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Help!! 2010 Dodge Journey R/t with 147k miles cranks but will not start, I’ve changed the crank sensor and cam sensor still nothing. Power is getting to the coils According to the harness but there is no pulse or spark when trying to start. 


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How are you checking for spark? Pull the coil out and place a plug in it. Hard to ground the threaded portion of plug to a metal surface on engine. I took a piece of wire and stripped the ends. Wrap one end on the Tang of the plug or threaded area and another on a metal surface or ground lead. Either have someone crank the engine or place it where you can see it through the windshield. Test a couple different coils/connectors to be sure if its just one or several. 


If no spark, you say there is power to the plugs. What voltage are you seeing? Resistance? How are you testing for power? Car on, car cranking? If there's a security issue it could kill spark. Also check that you have proper voltage to the cam and crank sensor connectors.  Not sure on this vehicle but most cars I've dealt with will still have spark with a bad crank sensor. Usually cam sensor will cause no firing.


If you can't verify spark for whatever reason, take a syringe or pop bottle, put a small hole in top and put some gas in it. Put a bit of fuel in a few or all plug holes and crank it to see if itll fire. That or spray some starting fluid in the intake hose to throttle body. Might take some gas pedal work and a bit of cranking to get the spray to reach cylinders. 

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  • 4 years later...
  On 1/23/2025 at 5:24 PM, John/Horace said:

Any codes coming up. Is it a 2.4 engine. Can you hear fuel pump coming on? Are plugs wet with fuel.?


would it be better to put gas down the plugs or is either ok in the carb?  code that came up was throttle not set but i got that set ok. its a 2.4. would the cam sensor keep it from firing?

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fuel rail is full and has pressure on it. when i first tried starting it i hada slow crank. i put a new starter on it and that helped it a lot. codes its bringing up now is p0335-p000a-p0123-p0222-p0108-p0013

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There is no carb, you mean down throttle body opening. One of your many codes is throttle body, they have plastic gears so are sensitive, down plugs is better.


Is the replacement engine a known decent unit? Lots of nonsense codes can come up with a no start problem. Two way scanner could trouble shoot electronic throttle body (known wear item), cam sensors, even map sensor can be cycled with canbus scanner.  Parts more expensive where you are so trouble shooting will be worth your while. The cycle is spark, fuel, compression and timing.


Common wear items on 2.4 is ETB electronic throttle body Hitachi makes OEM unit), cps crank position sensor (not always a code set). 

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What YEAR used motor did you install to you 2014 body???

 IF I recall there was a change made for crankshaft position sensor reluctor {what the sensor reads from}, I can't remember the year switch, but read about it here on the forum.

This situation OR a bad crank sensor will prevent the engine from "firing up".

As member John/Horace stated, a bad crank sensor will not always throw a code, particularly if the computer has not seen that the engine had been running since being cranked.


Disclaimer: I am more of a 3.6 engine person and only recently picked up a running project 2.4 DJ, so detailed knowledge of the 2.4's is limited.

Edited by 5rebel9
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Rockauto (most  accurate on line parts site)  shows the avenger and Journey in that year with identical CPS sensor, throttle body etc in 2010 model year. If your vehicle and ecm computer are within even a few years I think it should be fine. This vehicle until recently was running before engine died, correct ?


If you got the new engine complete with all sensors; you could paint mark CPS and ETB on old engine and move over parts, one at time. Clear codes and observe what happens. Even if one or two bad plugs or coils, engine should still fart and half ass run on the other cylinders if there is spark and fuel and compression.



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