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19 inch R/T Chrome rims needed

William Burke

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Tire shop can use a wire wheel and remove the corrosion back to bare material.

A heavy coat of good bead sealer will fix leak for quite a while. Tire shops do this all the time.


If the rim has impact damage that is leaking; you will need another rim. Steel sometimes fixable but not aluminum.




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If the tires are in decent shape bead sealer should last a few years.


Here in the salt belt the rims get pitted from corrosion, mainly with aluminum rims.

Fixing with bead sealer usually holds a few years until tires are worn out anyway.

Soapy water spray on the tire usually helps figure out where leak is.


Newer tires seem to wear out faster anyway; if they aren’t cracked to hell or tread gone at 5-6 years you are lucky.

DOT code on sidewall will tell you week and year of manufacture; important tire info.

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