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Climate control turns on even when car is off


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2011 Journey r/t. My car can be OFF and the climate control fan turns on. I can be driving and it turns on by itself and won't let me turn it off. I took it to the dealership and it has been there for four days. $200 diagnostic and they told me nothing is wrong my battery is just low. ITS LOW BECAUSE I HAD TO CHARGE IT TO GET IT THERE! THE FAN KEEPS COMING ON AND KILLING IT! Apparently nobody knows anything but I see it all over the forums people are having this problem. Wanted another journey but this is steering me away. Any help would be appreciated. 

Edited by Shari
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@Shari I've had the AC turn itself on when the car is on, and see a lot of those issues but not much when the car is off. If that's the case, then it's most likely a short in the system somewhere. Have you tried removing the AC relay (if the weather permits)? Maybe check the relay? If things are turning on while the car is off, I would suggest going to an electrical expert, or checking your wiring if possible. 

If the dealer didn't resolve your issue, contact dodge directly. Some issues are hard to diagnose, but if you paid to have it resolved, then they should provide a resolution. 

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