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After Market Brakes

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We are looking at purchasing a 2011 Journey R/T AWD. I'm concerned about the brakes. We currently have an '07 Grand Caravan (66,000 kms) and have done the front brakes twice, first through the dealership, second through my uncle who put on top of the line, non-Chrysler ceramics. We just did the rears (again my uncle). My question is do the after market, non-chrysler's last longer? Or is the problem the braking mechanism? I really don't want another vehicle with these braking issues. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/30/2010 at 5:18 PM, Canuck Girl said:

We are looking at purchasing a 2011 Journey R/T AWD. I'm concerned about the brakes. We currently have an '07 Grand Caravan (66,000 kms) and have done the front brakes twice, first through the dealership, second through my uncle who put on top of the line, non-Chrysler ceramics. We just did the rears (again my uncle). My question is do the after market, non-chrysler's last longer? Or is the problem the braking mechanism? I really don't want another vehicle with these braking issues. Thanks!

I have read alot about brake issues here on this forum. In my own journey i have got just over 16000 miles and have alot of meat left on my brake pads. Of course i dirive 60 percent highway. If your brakes start to wear fast put on some ceramic aftermarket pads they last alot longer.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 3/30/2010 at 5:18 PM, Canuck Girl said:

We are looking at purchasing a 2011 Journey R/T AWD. I'm concerned about the brakes. We currently have an '07 Grand Caravan (66,000 kms) and have done the front brakes twice, first through the dealership, second through my uncle who put on top of the line, non-Chrysler ceramics. We just did the rears (again my uncle). My question is do the after market, non-chrysler's last longer? Or is the problem the braking mechanism? I really don't want another vehicle with these braking issues. Thanks!

Old post I know but dodge has never figured out really how to match an adequate brake system to their lineup. I have owned dodges now for six years, and the only thing you can do is go after market for pads, and disks. Drilled, or slotted disks matched with ceramic pads is definitely the way to go it will essentially eliminate all brake fade (which dodge is notorious for).

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