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Need Advice - Sound coming from rear wheel


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I need some advice on what I may have needing to be replaced. 


I have a noise coming from the rear passenger wheel area. I will try and describe what I hear in detail.


When releasing the brakes, it sounds like a very rapid, consistent sounding noise similar to if you left a bolt siting on a metal floorboard. Not quite a grind, not quite a howl, but like a vibration type noise and very noticeable. (note, there is no actual vibration felt). Once you accelerate up towards 35-40km/h, most of this sound goes away or becomes intermittent. As you reach 65-70km/h, the best way to explain the noise is that it sounds like popcorn popping in a pot. Singular or dual noises that are random in sound and audibility. This sound gets more noticeable, but remain like popcorn the faster you go. If I make a right turn at a lower speed where the noise is more consistent and hearable, the sound almost if not does go away for the duration of the turn. Same with a left, but not as much as a right. In reverse, I don't hear it if on the gas, but will notice it a lot less hearable once I take my foot off the gas and let it coast. 


I was on the ground listening while I had someone else move the vehicle forward and back and noticed it sounds like it is in the rear passenger wheel area, but sounds like it is further back from the wheel along the axle, not out close to the outside of the wheel (if that made sense). 


Visually, everything looks to be in order, I did notice this a little bit while on the highway, but then the sound began to get more noticeable later the same day. 


I am thinking possibly a rear bearing??? but I wanted to hear from others who may know or have experienced this. 

Edited by tdottrucker
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