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vanity plates/tags

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hey all, seems like the forum is slowing down with activity lately so I figured I would ask, is any one getting paersonal/vanity plates. if you have ideas share them here as others may want to use them.

we have ours on order we got,...


The kids always name our cars and the Journey was named Nugget for it's color. soooooooo NUGGET was taken and I just added the R in front for "Our Nugget"

some others we were thinking

AU WISH......... for gold wish or eh, you wish

R4NSXT...........our foreign SXT

JURNY............ cause JOURNEY was taken

R JURNY..........our Journey

BESTCAR........our last name is Best, no kidding

GOTGRIP.........our Journey is an AWD

09AUSXT........2009 gold SXT but too hard to figure out for some

AWD SXT.........self explanitory

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I will transfer my current vanity plate to the Journey, Once it arrives.

I've had it for years and it ended up on the wife's car after we got married, as I didn't want to lose the plate when we went from a 2 car family to 1 car & 1 pickup truck. The truck had to have a commercial or Combo plate so I couldn't transfer my vanity plate to it.

That all said, once the Journey arrives, it will be adorned with the vanity plate: SCARY-1

And the truck as long as we are talking plates has: 2-SCARY

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  • 4 weeks later...
Speaking of tags, has anyone found a front license bracket for the Journey? The dealership told me Dodge is not going to make one. Has anyone found a nice aftermarket one?

I picked up my Journey a couple of days ago and it came without a front license bracket. I called the salesman that sold it to me and he says the shop had run out of brackets but he will get one for me soon.

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