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What does this plug do and what is it called on the back of the radio.

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I'm installing an android radio and canbus setup.  However, the factory radio doesn't work without this plugged in.  Unfortunately the kit I got didn't come with an adapter for it.  The aftermarket radio powers up fine on 12v on a battery, so the radio works.  All the other plugs have a place on the radio/canbus except this one.  I don't have an antenna plug on the factory radio unless this some weird antenna plug I need an adapter for? 







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It is call a HSD (high speed data).  It runs from the radio to the CD player in the factory setup.  I got the android unit installed completely but it lacks the ability to control the AC unfortunately.  There are only a couple that have the controls that I've seen.  Everything else worked great though.  I'm unsure if I am going to get an idatalink radio and maestro, spend the $5-600 for the tesla style radio for these cars that actually has the ac control built in, or mount a tablet somewhere. 

My confusion on the wiring was that I didn't realize I needed plugs from the CD player as well as from the screen itself.  The directions on the aftermarket android stuff isn't very good sometimes.


It was plug and play aside from being able to switch the vents from blowing forward to defrost and the sync stuff. 

The AC and all the buttons worked.  I'm really thinking if I turn it to the front vents and then install the aftermarket radio and check and see if the defrost button shuffles it back and forth between defrost and the front vents. 

If I had vents or defrost from the button, I'd be OK with that I think.  I don't use the foot heat.  I'd be concerned if the battery goes dead it might spaz and I'd have to reinstall the factory stuff to set it back that way though.

Edited by RealFloopyGuy
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