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09 Dodge Journey won't start, shop says fuse box, but I'm not sure

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My 09 Dodge Journey has been an issue since day 1. I had it diagnosed by a local shop and they said the issue was in needed to replace to whole fuse box for $2,700. I had it brought back to my house and since have had a few mechanics look into the fuse box solution but everyone disagrees. Someone mentioned that it may be the ignition switch. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Previous to taking it to the shop I replaced the alternator, battery, and starter. The ground wires were also checked. All it does is click when you try and start it. Also, the gear shifter won't move out of park. Any suggestions are welcome. 


Thank you,


Clarissa Russell 

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Happy to!


Do this.


For you, get a standard 2 gauge ground cable.


Run it from the battery ground stud on the driver's side strut tower to the engine block.


The DJ has a weak electrical ground system.


Here is my post that explains it entirely.




Here is my post regarding necessary battery maintenance and upgrades









Edited by Dean H
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6 hours ago, Clarissa Russell said:

Yes, it would make perfect sense to a mechanic, sir. I thought that's what these forums were for? 

Take it easy, I am suggesting that the fact the vehicle won't shift out of park is a hint of something else than electrical.   

What engine is it?  Is there voltage at the starter when you try to start it?

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  • 4 months later...

Bought a 2009 journey with 3.5 engine sitting at a KIA dealer last Spring. Had been there all winter. They said will not start you will need to tow it. When I came to tow it It would not could out of park so I had to disconnect at the transmission so I know for a fact there is a lock circuit on the shift lever, no battery power can not take out of park.

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