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My friend installed my battery backwards.

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Hello all. I recently had a friend that said that they could replace my battery free of charge. I shouldn't have let him. He put the thing in backwards! It wouldn't work and he couldn't figure out why. I took one look at it and knew. After shooing him away and doing it myself, I found that he also snapped my battery current sensor 😳 

So, after I replaced the sensor and put the battery on the right way, my car starts but dies after running for a bit. After having the alternator replaced and an even newer battery put on, it still dies after running for a bit. I found a wire that looks like it might be the problem but I don't know how to replace it. Please help. 


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So what you have is the top cable. That is the battery voltage feed from the TIPM- (under hood fuse box). To the starter.


The lower cable carries the battery voltage to the alternator from the starter stud.  The smaller section is a fusible link.  It protects the cable like a fuse does.


Use a multimeter and check for battery voltage at the alternator stud. To find out if this cable is a problem.


Here is a picture of my 3.6 starter cable on top and alternator cable fusible link below it.



Edited by Dean H
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23 minutes ago, JohnsterMonster86 said:

It looks like it's the battery cable from the starter to the battery? 

IF that is a picture of your car, YES that is the fusible link wire that is blown and must be replaced.There are replacement fusible link wires and some even have ones that incorporate a blade fuse instead of fusible link wire{it is NOT regular wire}.

Time for you to do some "googleing" on the internet.

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For clarification purposes here is my picture of the starter and cables in question.


The top red cable is the battery voltage feed cable from the TIPM (under hood fuse box).


The lower dirty orange one is the fusible link that connects to the alternator  stud.


Your fusible link is blown.


I believe you have the 3.6 V6 engine.


Please verify this fact.



Edited by Dean H
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To fix this issue-


Install a new fusible link or fuse on the Dodge, 4 gauge alternator cable. 




Run a a new, separate 4 gauge cable.


With a circuit breaker or fuse matched to the 4 gauge cable amperage rating.


Run it from the TIPM positive battery stud. To the alternator battery stud. 


Disconnect and seal off the old cable down at the starter.


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