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AWD Driveshaft Disassembly


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There is no listing for a  hangar bearing part on places like Rockauto, biggest on line site. Most drive  shafts have to be bought as a full unit now. Rubber Flex coupling is available only. There are a few aftermarket shafts made. Used unit from auto wrecker is an option. New oem is very expensive and out of stock shown on Mopar Canada etc.



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Curious where you got carrier bearing and support. Original poster didn't follow up. The Cordone shaft listed on Rocka is a reman shaft. So somebody is doing it somewhere. I was able to rebuild shafts on jeeps I had years ago,  but beefier designed u joints and easily changed.







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Thanks for the replies guys. I`ve been slow getting back to this job. Same as you Waxer52 I saw the support was available on Amazon and thought I`d save a few bucks if I could change it. I have the driveshaft on my work bench and was going to attempt to split it this week. How did you split it? I was figuring the constant velocity joint would separate.

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I would guess soak in PB Blaster or penetrating oil, let sit a while. Cut away most of the hanger bearing support sheet metal that is in the way. Use cold chisels or metal wedges,crow bar etc and slowly inch out the shiny reinforced shaft end from bearing.  If reasonable force won't move it, go to yellow cylinder MPS gas and heat it up a bit, then see if wedges will move it.  If that all fails...get a zip blade and a grinder and go all medieval on the bearing assembly...cutting away as much as possible without damaging turned down shaft area that needs to slide into new bearing. Heat from cutting might free things up enough half way through anyway.


Could also bring shaft assembly to a mechanic you trust with the new hanger bearing. See if interested in a small cash job, doing a repair like he would on his own vehicle. Not swapping out an entire driveshaft. He might even hand it off for an apprentice to do.


Amazon link to part would be helpful to other's. Cheers.



Edited by John/Horace
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On the short section of shaft there's an aluminum cover so to speak. Use a small chisel or screwdriver to pry the edge up so it can slide off the shaft.

Inside is a holding ring to keep the bearing in place that pops out easy with a screwdriver.

This splits the shaft. A circlip holds the bearing on the shaft. Remove this and the bearing and you can hammer and chisel the bearing off. 

I have some pics but not many. I will try and upload some in the next few days.

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Might be worth swapping flex coupling with the shaft off vehicle, if it's getting ratty.  When part ships with threadlocker, you know it's a good idea. Somebody on site had their coupling bolts come loose. Not sure of inch pound torque spec, no one has posted back after an install. Mitchel on line with a login would have it.

2010 DODGE JOURNEY 3.5L V6 Drive Shaft Flex Joint _ Shop Now at RockAutoHMG_682_P04_ANG.thumb.jpg.eb090e74cde0e770adfd69c11839c0a8.jpg

Edited by John/Horace
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You’re pics of bearing install would be nice if you have them. I found torque specs for mounting bolts on either end, still looking for hanger bearing, but it’s not as critical really. Ignore wrong pics below, actual torque specs look correct.

This site keeps pushing ads into things.



Dodge Journey: Electronically controlled clutch

Dodge Journey Service & Repair Manual / Differential and Driveline / Electronically controlled clutch



NOTE: Rubber coupler is part of the propeller shaft assembly. Removing coupler from propeller shaft will result in vibration/balance issues.

Differential and Driveline
Fig. 95: Removing /Installing Propeller Shaft

1. Make sure transaxle is in neutral (N).

2. Raise vehicle on hoist.

3. Apply alignment index marks (4) on the rear axle flange (5) and rubber coupler (1).

4. Remove three rear propeller shaft rubber coupler to rear axle input flange retaining bolts (3).

5. Slide propeller shaft (2) back off rear axle input flange (5) and move out of the way as needed.

Differential and Driveline
Fig. 96: Electrical Connector At ECC

6. Unplug the electrical connector at the ECC.

7. Remove the mounting bolts at the ECC.

8. Remove the ECC.


Differential and Driveline
Fig. 97: Electrical Connector At ECC

1. Make sure transaxle is in Neutral (N) position.

2. Raise vehicle on hoist.

3. Install the ECC.

4. Install the mounting bolts at the ECC and tighten to 60 N.m (44 ft. lbs.).

5. Connect the electrical connector at the ECC.

Differential and Driveline
Fig. 98: Removing /Installing Propeller Shaft

6. Align marks (4) on propeller shaft rubber coupler (1) to rear axle input flange (5).

7. Install three rear propeller shaft to rear axle retaining bolts (3) and tighten to 58 N.m (43 ft. lbs.).

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