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Cable with connector in glove box

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Hello, I purchased my Journey new. As likely they all do, it came with a cable that connects to a connector in the glove box. In all these years I never needed it nor do I know what it is even for. Can someone please educate me?

Thank you

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It is the string cable that slows down the glove box door from fast opening when the latch is released to open the glove box. Many times when underneath dash work{replace cabin air filter,blend door actuator, access to interior fuse panel} the string breaks at the plastic end that goes to the door OR somebody forgot to hook it back up.

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Thank you for the replies. I am attaching a few pictures. I guess I thought every Journey had this connector. It is clipped to the glove box, visible when it is opened.

Image j3 are the ends of the cable. The cable is probably 8-10 inches long. 




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since it is not connected at both ends would lead me to say it was an after market device that was long ago taken out,maybe the dealership had put a tracking device on it and then removed it after the loan was paid off, no way for any of us to know for certain.anyways welcome to the group...

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Thank you, 2late4u. I purchased the vehicle new from the dealer. The connector and cable in the glove box were there from new. I figured I would look like an idiot for having a vehicle for 15 years and having no clue what this was for. I have a hard time believing that nobody else's Journey has one of these. I will get it figure out.

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