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BlackTop King's Custom Journey

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Well i figure this is a good time to start a Build Thread on the my 2009 Journey.

Its not something that i planned on or really had intentions, but why not.

I have always been more into the old school cars, Hot Rods and modern muscle cars.

But thinks this year have been kinda ruff and with alot of changes. One of them, was the selling on 2 of my projects (simply time to move on to something new)

I got my Journey last May and have to say-over all, All is good- Little things i am going to want to change ( that i didnt really care for orignally) pretty soon.

So what is it that i do?

Well i dont really have intentions on modifing the performance level at this time- other then a break up grade with Cross/Drill rotors and if i can, swap in Larger Dia Rotors. Simply want more bite and more life.

Other then that at this time i would like to clean up the orignal journey (look) and customize some of the features that already exsist.

I do, do paint and airbrushing so i ihave considered and been rolling around idea's with that. but am unsure at this time.


But all in all- it will be simply to make the journey more of my own and since I am with out other projects...I am boarded. LOL

Of course this is not why i got the Journey, I got it to have something that I could move and groove with-lots of room flexible use and better gas millage then what i was in before. It was a sharp looking cross over that i just liked over all.

Where to start....

Well The interior deff could use some help and something to give it more dimention as it is pretty simple and plain. Expeciallt the Center dash- I have since May, hated the grey plastic piece.

The seats, drive me crazy with the spots...so deff gotta do something with that as well.

Audio could use a boost (always can have more)

Bigger Rims (i have lil 16" now) with bigger breaks

and maybe some paint...

This is what i did this Sat,

DIY Billet Grilles with Upper Lower and Fog Light Sections

Upgraded Xenon Bulbs HI/Lo and Fog



and in the rain

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