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Flex plate


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I am posting this as an update to one of my previous posts labeled “Is my engine done for?”. After having this intermittent noise for over a year I recently moved and had to find a new mechanic. I have had it at 2 different mechanics for said noise and the first one said it sounded fine to him and the 2nd mechanic suspected it could be the wrong Oil in my engine so he did an oil change and noise was gone for a while. Well after moving the noise became more frequent and was no longer intermittent.


I took it to the new mechanic and he also said he couldn’t find any noise (this was about a month ago) but that my motor mounts and transmission mount needed to be replaced as they were shot. Fast forward to today and I took my car in for state inspection and to have the motor mounts replaced and the mechanic calls me to tell me he found the noise and it is coming from the flex plate. He removed the inspection cover and found the flex plate is cracked, in his words my car was the “holy shit” moment of the day. Never a good thing to hear from your mechanic, he is pushing my vehicle ahead of other customers but he still doesn’t have availability until the 23rd of next week.


I am just wondering if anyone here has any experience with flex plate issues? I suspect I’ve been driving on the broken flex plate for a while now and am concerned about further damage even though the car still drives fine.

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Sorry to hear of your problem. YES I had the flex plate crack on my '14 3.6 AWD. It was due to a faulty torque converter that was an aftermarket replacement. So it now has it's third torque converter and second flex plate and all has been good for a year now.

R&R is NO FUN JOB for any one doing the work, I got off "easy" on cost for the work I had done at my friends' shop.


For yours to have "shot" mounts and bad flex plate makes me wonder of how you drive your ride. I've got 3 3.6 AWD and have yet to have motor mount or trans mounts to go bad.

There have also been a few other postings by members of having the flex plate crack also, so you're not alone.

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I bought the car used at 60k miles and have put about 15k on it since then. I suspect the mounts have been broken for some time as the vibration from the mounts has been there since I purchased the car. I don’t drive it heavily at all the most pedal I give it is going uphill as I live in a mountain area so there are some steep hills. I think I’ve just had bad luck with mechanics I’ve been chasing this issue for over a year now before the new mechanic came into the picture. I have a ‘19 Crossroad AWD with the 3.6, the mechanic thinks the mounts being shot is what caused the flex plate to break but that he is going to have a look at the torque converter as well when he has it apart. I appreciate the insight, part of me is glad it wasn’t the engine but I’m hoping the transmission hasn’t suffered any further damage.

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Gotcha! , Yes it is quite a disconcerting feeling and depending on how badly cracked, a hard noise to pinpoint. 

Feel better about the situation, my friend has had cars TOWED  IN with this problem because the car would NOT go anymore or even fire up. BROKEN flex plate gouged out the engine block AND ruined torque converter AND trans front pump. You were able to get it correctly identified and hopefully down for repairs BEFORE things went to the extreme.


Also note, Dodge carvans and Town&Country vans with same motor seem more prone to this problem and my friend thinks due to overloading the vehicle. He has a contract to maintain/repair a fleet of TAXI SERVICE minivans

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These are a very peppy V6 engine, I don't think the 4 cylinders have this problem.


I know you don't want to spend more money on vehicle right now. But this is a perfect opportunity to change the cps or crank position sensor with everything apart. Several hours of labor to fix this wear item if it goes later on. Dealer OEM is recommended (on burried hard to get at parts) and I think rockauto is around $35 delivered. Get mechanics feed back, would he do the same on his own vehicle.  AWD makes it extra hard to change on this vehicle.

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I will definitely mention it to him when I drop the car off next Monday. I’m sure he would agree I think I finally found an honest mechanic haha. I’m seeing the OEM Mopar part on rockauto for about 18 bucks so it would only make sense if he’s already gonna have it apart to just swap it.

Edited by LXRitw
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  • 2 weeks later...

An update for anyone who’s interested, mechanic called me today to let me know it is finished. I will update with the final bill tomorrow when I pick it up as I’m about to head into work. I expect somewhere in the $1200 range as they did have to replace a gasket and they also went ahead with my request to replace the crank position sensor.

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