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Any advice on fixing my 2019 Journey?


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Have a 2019 journey that the motor lost power while driving. Since then it won’t start at all. Replaced both cam sensor, crank sensor, had starter checked, battery checked.

the check engine light is on, etc light is on and the little red light flashes. No engine codes what so ever but does have passenger airbag code. Any ideas? Been checking wire connections and relays. Starter won’t engage now. Running out of ideas and I still owe 2 years of payments on this car

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  • jkeaton locked and unlocked this topic

Such a newer vehicle, what kind of maint. had been done PRIOR to this event? Had you just gotten fuel and possibly water?

No crank and red dot flashing means anti theft system has activated. Try disconnecting power and ground from the TIPM and neg jumper post for 10 to 15 minutes, reresecure and give it a try.

you did not say, but is there sufficient oil and coolant levels?

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44 minutes ago, yyz said:

The check engine light is on and there are no codes? You have connected a scan tool to it?

probably got cleared out by work he had already done or his probable basic scanner and will need a high end scanner to get at codes under "history" or "permanent" codes.


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