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Got survey request from Dodge


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I just received an email from Dodge thanking me for my recent purchase and asking me to fill out a "short survey" online. I clicked the link, and I was actually pleasantly suprised.

The survey basically had check boxes for every little component of the Journey, and it wanted a click for each area that I had concerns. Clicking the "Audio" section, for example, took me to specific questions about the 8.4n, etc. There were also comment boxes where you could free-text in comments and concerns.

I made sure to mention the problems we all have with voice command, with no traffic data from Sirius, etc, etc.

We'll see what come of it! Overall, though, I was happy that they were at least showing some interest in my opinion.

Anyone else get a similar email?

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  On 4/14/2011 at 7:32 PM, UPMedic said:

I just received an email from Dodge thanking me for my recent purchase and asking me to fill out a "short survey" online. I clicked the link, and I was actually pleasantly suprised.

The survey basically had check boxes for every little component of the Journey, and it wanted a click for each area that I had concerns. Clicking the "Audio" section, for example, took me to specific questions about the 8.4n, etc. There were also comment boxes where you could free-text in comments and concerns.

I made sure to mention the problems we all have with voice command, with no traffic data from Sirius, etc, etc.

We'll see what come of it! Overall, though, I was happy that they were at least showing some interest in my opinion.

Anyone else get a similar email?


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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a complaint company hired at some point about 1.5 years ago. They are impartial and follow a decision tree based on answers, following up concerns with more questions about this and that. All the stats per dealer are anonamized. Some customers will be asked for permission to record responses to give back to dealerships to hear and respond to better the shopping experience. It was interesting to get to hear real emotion in people voices about how a

In all, customers liked it that it just wasn't hitting check boxes, but you actually got to voice concerns that are important, to a person. Also the system was used to capture happy customers and how it could be better still.

I'm not sure if this is used much by the dealers. There were access fees.

If you didn't get to put all your concerns into the survey be sure to call the customer relations line if you are really wronged. Call in to start a file on your VIN. I've heard of folks receiving coupons in the mail for some sort of service at any dealership. Also heard of many who got squat. A not well known thing is that it is the customers responsibility to call in to start a file for your VIN for dealerships to look up to get approval for a designated rental company. Call first before you rent. There is no warranty coverage to pay for that if you get the rental yourself. Sucks. SOOOOO hard to get approval to pay the rental fee's if protocol isn't followed. :censored:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had the survey request by phone.Picked up car on friday and dealer assured me it had bluetooth got it home and tried to pair up phone.that`s when I found out I don`t have bluetooth.Went to dealership today and complained,suggested they order kit in to fix problem.No one from the dealership called me back like they said they would.So when I got the call for survey suggested to caller that now might not be the best time for a survey LOL.

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