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Canadian 1000 bonus cash??

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Can anyone confirm this? My father just emailed me this morning and said he saw an ad in our local newspaper about the Journey now comes with 1000 bonus cash as part of the "Thank you Canada" promotion. I have yet to see the ad myself, and if true I'd hope to hell I quaility (I just took delivery last week of my Journey)


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  scottstep said:
post-79-1213029571_thumb.jpgI was able to check out the online version of our newspaper, anyone else see similar promotions? (Canadians)

picture added as attachment (hope it can be viewed)

This is a fantastic Question as I got mine fairly recently and am from Canada as well. I have not heard about this until now anyone esle here of this in Canada.


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  TheBigJayxxx said:
This is a fantastic Question as I got mine fairly recently and am from Canada as well. I have not heard about this until now anyone esle here of this in Canada.


We picked ours up two weeks ago, it was the only R/T on the lot being used as a demo. They specifically stated that the only amounts being offered on vehicles were for the 2008 models and not the 2009. If they were giving a thousand off of the Journey as well I will bring it up with them but I've not seen anything in Canada about it.

There are some dealers in Toronto doing a loss leader kind of sale.. In the end you are not getting as good a deal as you think. They want you on the lot to up sell.

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  TheBigJayxxx said:
This is a fantastic Question as I got mine fairly recently and am from Canada as well. I have not heard about this until now anyone esle here of this in Canada.


Well Jay I would say that because the Dodge .ca website does not have any incentives for the Journey for us here in Canada (the Thank You Canada promotion), I would say that this dealer is advertising this on their own as a sales gimick to get customers to their dealership. This dealer is about 20 minutes from Detroit and I would also say that it would be hard to compete with "Motor City" that is soooooo close to them.

Just my take on it anyways.

Thank you Jay


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  Hit-By-Thunder said:
Well Jay I would say that because the Dodge .ca website does not have any incentives for the Journey for us here in Canada (the Thank You Canada promotion), I would say that this dealer is advertising this on their own as a sales gimick to get customers to their dealership. This dealer is about 20 minutes from Detroit and I would also say that it would be hard to compete with "Motor City" that is soooooo close to them.

Just my take on it anyways.

Thank you Jay


I called Chrysler Canada customer service yesterday and they confirmed the incentive, as of June 3rd there is a 1000 bonus cash incentive available for the Journey SXT and above models (not SE or SE Plus) I took delivery on May 31st and they say they do not back date incentives so I'm out of luck - Im still not giving up, if I cant get the 1000 then Im sure as hell going to get something from the dealership. I dont know what my rights are in getting out of the sale/lease contract within a week as well - if its possible or not.

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  scottstep said:
I called Chrysler Canada customer service yesterday and they confirmed the incentive, as of June 3rd there is a 1000 bonus cash incentive available for the Journey SXT and above models (not SE or SE Plus) I took delivery on May 31st and they say they do not back date incentives so I'm out of luck - Im still not giving up, if I cant get the 1000 then Im sure as hell going to get something from the dealership. I dont know what my rights are in getting out of the sale/lease contract within a week as well - if its possible or not.

well then I guess that's it

Canada has the $1000 rebate as well, Thanks Scottstep,

I wonder if I can weasel alittle more off mine then when it gets here?


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  Hit-By-Thunder said:
well then I guess that's it

Canada has the $1000 rebate as well, Thanks Scottstep,

I wonder if I can weasel alittle more off mine then when it gets here?


I don't see why not, you have not taken delivery so you should be entitled to any incentive out there, at least thats what the Customer service rep told me.

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We took possession just before then I think but the ads for the Canada day sale or whatever it was were out and I asked them if there was anything for the Journey and they said no. That was the day we signed and picked it up so off to the dealer we go I guess.

Nice work finding out the dates and such.


An update.. I called Chrysler Canada today and after putting me on hold, they said yes there was an incentive and no if you did not buy it during that sale you would not get it. I asked him why the ad that came out for the sale on the day that we signed the deal didn't advertise the 1000 incentive. No answer for that. I think it was very sloppy and unprofessional.

If we were waiting on a car right now I wouldn't sign anything unless they coughed it up. Some of you are waiting a very long time and if you ordered it shortly before the sale then demand it.

Although it is the wrong forum.. a I asked about the lifetime drive train warranty in the U.S.. The response was that they offer a competitive warranty in both the U.S and Canada. So in other words unless someone else does it first or sales stop, no lifetime for us in Canada.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will be calling Chrysler Canada tomorrow as our dealership said the Journey is not on any rebate offer at all, no matter what trim level, even showed me the book.

Tomorrow is Canada Day so the call will go in Wednesday morning.

I have a "temporary bill of sale for insurance reasons dated for the 30th of June and thay are closed Tuesday so there will be no excuses why we can't get a rebate cause it was not signed on July 1st

Keep you posted............

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  Hit-By-Thunder said:
I will be calling Chrysler Canada tomorrow as our dealership said the Journey is not on any rebate offer at all, no matter what trim level, even showed me the book.

Tomorrow is Canada Day so the call will go in Wednesday morning.

I have a "temporary bill of sale for insurance reasons dated for the 30th of June and thay are closed Tuesday so there will be no excuses why we can't get a rebate cause it was not signed on July 1st

Keep you posted............

I paid my deposit on Monday. Salesman said he hadn't heard about it either, but said if it is true, he will give it to me. I will make the same phone call on Wednesday.

Noticed on the dodge.ca site today the have "Free gas" promo, but no mention of which vehicles. Also saw the build/price calculator is now showing a Lease Rate of (make sure you're sitting down for this), 11.79% for 24 and 36 months. Thats an extra $4000 over 36 months.

Good thing I got in when I did.

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Just got off the phone with Chrysler customer service. Rep I spoke too hadn't heard of anything for the Journey. She passed me on to the rebates dep't. Rebate rep told me the only rebate/incentive for the Journey was under the Employee pricing program, which doesn't help me.

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  mikem said:
Just got off the phone with Chrysler customer service. Rep I spoke too hadn't heard of anything for the Journey. She passed me on to the rebates dep't. Rebate rep told me the only rebate/incentive for the Journey was under the Employee pricing program, which doesn't help me.

No $1000 incentive for the Journey for me either. Does not matter what level of trim.


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