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those with fuel level issues


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I agree and I have said as much a few posts back. The "fix" did nothing to fix my inaccurate fuel gauge. In fact, it might actually be worse now than it was before the fix.

I can drive around with the needle on the E for an entire day and still not be able to put more than 65 litres in the tank.

When I really fill it up, the gauge will sometimes go past the F but it drops to 7/8 really quickly, like after 25 kms or so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just did some checking on my fuelly, in my case the most fuel I have ever put in was 76.36 liters and I have put over 76 liters 5 times, but unfortunately they were such a long time ago so I can't remember anything about the fillups. Fortunately I have not had the problem that others have described.


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Like I posted earlier, one of my fuel problems is the gauge registering on E too soon. The other annoyance (can't call it a problem per se) is that the gas pumps click off too soon when filling. I commonly spend upwards of 5 minutes repeatedly clicking the pump while I get another 1-2 US gallons in the tank. Freakin' annoying! I wish Dodge would design a TSB that addresses these two problems.


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  • Official Dodge Support

I have forwarded this thread on to the proper people to investigate the issue and let them know the current TSB does not solve the problem. If there is a future fix or TSB that comes out I will post it up.

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  • 7 months later...

Hey Everyone, Hows it going? I bought a brand new 2013 dodge journey rt 3.6L V6 really love driving it very nice ride got the journey with a full tank of gas and it was reading past the FULL sign a week later had to go fill it up and the gas guage wont read past the FULL sign like it did when I bought it...Took it to the dealer they said its probably fuel pump...So they replaced it guess what same thing...I go back and they checked everything and said everything is fine!

I know im not losing my mind its just getting frustrating explaining over and over to them my issue.

Before it would @ least get on the DTE 636km before E now im only showing 574km before E

Ive tried the slow fill up everything nothing matters same issue occurs..

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again!

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Welcome to the forum.

The questionably accurate EVIC mileage readings are often a subject here,

one factor this time of year is the change over of fuel formulation from warm wx

to winter gas it does decrease your averaging of mpg/L per 100km.

The algorithm that computes these figures does not factor the above.

Remember your driving AWD not FWD version so you have to compare

apples to apples when reading other peoples gas consumption.

The fuel gauge question has been flogged to death here and there are some

that seem to be resolved and others not,mine varies from fill to fill and really

I have got past it after 2 years of ownership and always fill to 1st click off of pump.

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Hey bigtsr thank you for welcoming me to the forum greatly appreciated.

Im not sure what else I can do more with it I will try just filling it regularly and when it stops the first click and see what happens ive tried every method so im not sure what to do next

Thank you for replying I appreciate it

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As Journeyman425 states "if you ain't moving and burning gas it throws ratio out of wack".

Warming up the car is nice if your climate requires it but todays engines really don't need it,

it's we humans that need it.

Edited by bigtsr
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  On 3/20/2013 at 11:11 AM, DodgeCares said:

I have forwarded this thread on to the proper people to investigate the issue and let them know the current TSB does not solve the problem. If there is a future fix or TSB that comes out I will post it up.


Any Progress? I just signed up on this forum today, but I've owned my 2011 Journey since April, 2012. I see that the responses have slowed down, so either TSB 08-063-12 is fixing the issues, or there is some other fix, or everyone's given up. I'd like to get this fixed soon so I don't have to go to the gas station as often. I'm thinking of setting up an appointment with a dealership soon, so I'd like the latest info.

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  • Official Dodge Support
  On 11/25/2013 at 3:53 PM, znewman said:


Any Progress? I just signed up on this forum today, but I've owned my 2011 Journey since April, 2012. I see that the responses have slowed down, so either TSB 08-063-12 is fixing the issues, or there is some other fix, or everyone's given up. I'd like to get this fixed soon so I don't have to go to the gas station as often. I'm thinking of setting up an appointment with a dealership soon, so I'd like the latest info.

I'm not finding anything new (after the Service Bulletin TSB 08-063-12.)

Edited by DodgeCares
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  On 11/25/2013 at 3:53 PM, znewman said:


Any Progress? I just signed up on this forum today, but I've owned my 2011 Journey since April, 2012. I see that the responses have slowed down, so either TSB 08-063-12 is fixing the issues, or there is some other fix, or everyone's given up. I'd like to get this fixed soon so I don't have to go to the gas station as often. I'm thinking of setting up an appointment with a dealership soon, so I'd like the latest info.

I had the TSB done about 6 months ago...didn't fix anything for me. The replaced the entire fuel pump assembly, and the first tank went up to full. After that, everytime I fill up, the pump clicks off at 7/8 tank. If I try to top it off very slowly I can get slightly above 7/8 (about 1/2 gallon more in). I can never get to full.

The TSB "fix" was a joke...don't bother wasting your time at the dealer.

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  On 12/6/2013 at 5:03 PM, onecrazyfoo4u said:

I had the TSB done about 6 months ago...didn't fix anything for me. The replaced the entire fuel pump assembly, and the first tank went up to full. After that, everytime I fill up, the pump clicks off at 7/8 tank. If I try to top it off very slowly I can get slightly above 7/8 (about 1/2 gallon more in). I can never get to full.

The TSB "fix" was a joke...don't bother wasting your time at the dealer.

You actually got them to replace the fuel pump assembly because it wouldn't reach to full? Was that difficult to get the dealer to do that or did they suggest doing that? I would say that all dealers in my neck of the woods would not replace it unless the fuel pump is totally dead and your vehicle was towed to the dealership. If you got that done then congrats you have an awesome dealership and I am so jealous!

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""Posted 11 December 2012 - 03:23 PM

Just came back from the my dealership,they replaced: fuel sending module.looks like it start fill normally. I will monitor for re-fueling for next few weeks an will report back if this was fixed issue with fuel level. The technician re-fill the gas tank and don`t reported any issue after module is change. ""
I post above information a year ago, now the problem is returned. Can`t get past full tank mark and to get completely full, have to continue to go very slowly, to get full tank. In winter time is not the fun to do so.
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  On 12/6/2013 at 9:57 PM, Journey_SeXT said:

You actually got them to replace the fuel pump assembly because it wouldn't reach to full? Was that difficult to get the dealer to do that or did they suggest doing that? I would say that all dealers in my neck of the woods would not replace it unless the fuel pump is totally dead and your vehicle was towed to the dealership. If you got that done then congrats you have an awesome dealership and I am so jealous!

I don't know, they just did whatever the TSB said to do. I may be wrong, but I thought it was the whole fuel pump assembly. Doesn't matter though since it didn't fix a darn thing.

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  On 12/5/2013 at 1:25 PM, DodgeCares said:

I'm not finding anything new (after the Service Bulletin TSB 08-063-12.)


I ended up having them perform the service described by the TSB, but no fix. My DTE shows 325 at 19.5mpg which equates to 16.7gallons. Once it reaches 50miles left the gas light turns on, and then shortly wont give any DTE reading. The light came on again today and allowed me to only put 14.5 gallons in (still not to F). On a 20.5 gallon tank, that means that I have 6 gallons of "reserve". Squeezing in another half gallon isn't a good fix as it's my understanding that it will just sit in the Evap Canister. This seems to be a sensor/gauge issue, and not an actual Fuel Pump issue. If you're not finding anything else on this, does this mean that everyone still experiencing this issue is just out of luck? Is there any way to get this issued reported as not fixed and re-open the concern?

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Reading this topic is like beating a dead horse, no matter how much you beat him he is still dead and he isnt going no more. Give it up guys full means full ,whether you can add anthother .5 to 1 gal is NOT a big deal, also running your tank as low as you can get it is also bad for your fuel pump, just like over filling it is bad for the evap. system, so when it clicks off stop trying to get more in and be happy, life is to short to sweat the little things in life. Any ways Merry Chrismas and a happy New year to all.....

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