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Stay away from chrysler and dodge


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What can I say. This is my first and last purchase of any type of chrysler product. Vehicle has been in service for 3 weeks now. Do not know when it will be ready an both the dealership and the chrysler Canada offices are freakkng useless. We leave for vacation on 6 days and they tell me that if it's not ready I can only drive the rental 200 Kms a day. Since the trip we are taking is 1800 Kms i would have to pay the extra Kms. And if the problem happens again while in the USA then I would be stuck there waiting for it. No compassion or anything from these people. The vehicle only has 26000 km on it and pretty much having the engine rebuilt and the warranty on the vehicle is 160 000 Kms. Thinking this was the worst purchase of a vehicle I have ever made. Gonna stick with anything other than chrysler. This frustration doesn't even include the problems with the brakes and the horrific odor from the air conditioning.

Very frustrating

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Stuff happens, usually at the worst possible time . . . .

The air conditioning odour is probably from mildew - the drain holes may have been plugged by road crap and the water collected and went rancid - there are sprays that can be used to help kill te bacteria.

What's the issue with the engine?

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Two of the cylinders were " misfiring " this is the 2nd time it has been in for this. They have taken the engine apart and are replacing all 6 cylinders and the heads and can't remember everything else. The dealer has had it for over 140 workable shop hours. I'm sure it would of been cheaper to replace the engine and take the old one apart to find the root cause of the problem. The dealer or chrysler can't even tell me what caused it

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I'd caught the other post about the engine.

The dealer doesn't know what he's doing . . misfiring is usually timing or injectors - no need to rebuild the block unless the rings or bearings are toasted and it is pretty simple to check cylinder/valve health. The problem is more likely bad grounds . . . . . someone else had an issue where the dealer replaced two cylinders not long ago. That owner took Chrysler to Camvap for arbitration the second time they went to do the rebuild and Chrysler bought back his truck . . . I don't think his was a 3.5 and your vehicle is too old for arbitration.

You are right. Chrysl;er ought to have taken the entire engine into the lab to determine what was wrong . . I personally suspect it is a corroded connector issue.

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Arbitration is not the issue. The amount is. If you win the buyback would likely be a depreciated amount because the vehicle is more than a year old.

Do your own research if you wish - your issue sounds a lot like that of the other owner, though his was a 2011 Pentastar-equipped unit.


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Even so, the present problem is not that your car is a lemon, per se, but that Chrysler's dealer has poor diagnostic abilities and you have a vacation coming up - the Camvap process will take a few months. This issue could have happened with any manufacturer's vehicle, not just Chrysler.

Search the board for the Camvap references to get the background.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't feel bad. My 11 grand caravan had the same issue at less than 6 months old. It's finally fixed now. The heads were replaced on it, exhaust phasers took care of it, then the dealer must've messed up cause my cyl 1 coil took s major poop (it got cracked somewhere in the process of replacing the exhaust phasers)

Problem is isolated to really early 3.6's

I did report the defect to NHST. You should too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy be jeezus ... I hate hearing about problems like that. So far with two Journeys I haven't had any engine problems ... just brakes and they weren't too hard to repair. I worry about what the cost of future repairs is going to be. Good luck with the engine and I hope you get to go on vacation ok, somehow.

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  On 7/22/2012 at 1:42 AM, leaffan766 said:

Have had the vehicle back and put on almost 4000 Kms and so far no problems. All brakes also replaced ad everything under warranty and no cost to me at all.

What did they end up doing to fix it? What codes did they get?

Btw, really glad you got it fixed.

Edited by Mcgusto82
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I agree with Ricjydee in that it sounds like your dealer not finding the fault in a timely fashion. My 1 year old ford (wifes drive) was playing up, took it back a number of times to the dealer we got the car off, they kept changing parts and blaming different things. Then while out of town it played up again, we took it into the local ford dealer. They had it for approx 3 hours, when we drove it out it was like a different car and has never been a problem since. Will buy another ford, just not from that dealer.....

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  • 2 months later...

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