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Hitch reccomendations? Dodge Journey OEM or aftermarket?


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  zman3623 said:
Any comments on how well the Dodge installed OEM hitch for the Journey works? Any recommendations on aftermarket hitches for the Journey? Pros? Cons? Price differences?


zman :happy feet:

The company that makes the hidden hitch for the Journey also manufactures the same hitch for Curtiss. We paid about $150 for a 2 inch Hidden Hitch reciever. It fit nicely and wasn't horrible to install. You do have to drop the mufflers which means popping a bunch of rubber holding grommets. The install took two of us about two hours to install. Unless you have a way to support the mufflers and the hitch while installing, you need at least one helper. There is no drilling with the hidden hitch. everything bolts to existing frame holes.

I believe the OEM product was about $200 and it's my understanding that Hidden Hitch/Curtiss makes that unit as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  zman3623 said:
Any comments on how well the Dodge installed OEM hitch for the Journey works? Any recommendations on aftermarket hitches for the Journey? Pros? Cons? Price differences?


zman :happy feet:

I had the OEM hitch installed on my R/T. I like the fact that it does not stick out in the back. Very little of the rear bumper is removed, perhaps 1 1/2" and a cover strip is placed over the edge. If you look quick you won't see the hitch at all. The unit mounts vertical instead of horizontal and and is almost invisible when the hitch is off. It is however a little more expensive, but after all, the vehicle cost over $30000 so I wasn't going to fret over another $100 or so with installation.

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  • 4 months later...
  GreenMtns said:
I had the OEM hitch installed on my R/T. I like the fact that it does not stick out in the back. Very little of the rear bumper is removed, perhaps 1 1/2" and a cover strip is placed over the edge. If you look quick you won't see the hitch at all. The unit mounts vertical instead of horizontal and and is almost invisible when the hitch is off. It is however a little more expensive, but after all, the vehicle cost over $30000 so I wasn't going to fret over another $100 or so with installation.


any pics??

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  bestman77 said:

any pics??

Whoa! Woke me up there. I sent you some picts via e-mail but Iwill also put them on here. I like it better than the aftermarket ones I found because it does not stick out the back when the hitch is off the Journey.Sorry about the dirt. :rant2: Mud season here in Vermont. The 5th season we get each year. :rolleyes:



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  BigCountry said:
Did you have an oil cooler installed? Is it necessary? Would only be pulling a small popup. Supposedly the 3.5 with the 6 speed auto already has the trans cooler according to the manufactures specs.

Mine came with the Tow Package installed. I would check with the dealer to see if the cooler is installed and if not should you need it. I don't think you should take a chance considering what these things cost.

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  BigCountry said:
Did you have an oil cooler installed? Is it necessary? Would only be pulling a small popup. Supposedly the 3.5 with the 6 speed auto already has the trans cooler according to the manufactures specs.

Book says 2000lbs without tow prep 3500 with tow prep. My understanding is that the tow prep is an engine oil cooler.

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I have the CURTIS hitch...it was easy to install and looks good and the dealer paid Van and Truck World to install it.

I would have preferred the OEM hitch because it is hidden more but my DEALER is stupid and told me there was no OEM hitch available.

Menzie's in Whitby, ON. Sales and service suck.


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  GreenMtns said:
Whoa! Woke me up there. I sent you some picts via e-mail but Iwill also put them on here. I like it better than the aftermarket ones I found because it does not stick out the back when the hitch is off the Journey.Sorry about the dirt. :rant2: Mud season here in Vermont. The 5th season we get each year. :rolleyes:



Hey thanks again for the pics, I have one on order with the stealership :)

The only scary part is cutting off that peice of bumper..Im doing the install myself as I have to all my cars/trucks

where do i get that little trim peice, what do you use to cut the bumper?

EDIT..nm, I found the installation guide..Thanks tho!

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  • 2 months later...
  GreenMtns said:
Whoa! Woke me up there. I sent you some picts via e-mail but Iwill also put them on here. I like it better than the aftermarket ones I found because it does not stick out the back when the hitch is off the Journey.Sorry about the dirt. :rant2: Mud season here in Vermont. The 5th season we get each year. :rolleyes:



I have the factory hitch on mine as well. Looks exactly the same as yours, however, mine has a 4-pin wiring connector and it looks like yours is the 7pin? the dealer asked which one I wanted and at the time, I had no idea what the difference was (and he didn't know either), so I went with the 4 pin.

I mainly use mine for my bike rack. I must say that I'm a little disappointed because I now realize that each additional piece you need to attach to the hitch allows for additional lateral movement... So when I'm driving and I go over a bump or turn corners, I can see the bikes in the back swaying side to side. When I'm in my garage and I look at that L-shaped adaptor (which, in your picture, you have a ball mount attached to it), if I take it and move it side to side while it's attached to the hitch, there is considerable movement... about 1/4 cm either way. Then when I attach the bike rack, it also has side to side movement because not everything fits snug. So if I put everything on, and move the bike rack side to side, it's scary to see how much movement there is.

I've followed other cars with bike racks and I've never noticed the bikes moving side to side like this. This leads me to wonder how they are able to get everything to fit so tight? Am I missing something? Anyone have any pointers for me?

If you want some pics with my bike rack attached, let me know and I'll post some.


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  • 4 months later...

I just had the OEM hitch put on myself to but I was seaching online tonight and just looking and came across an adapter that will solve your issue of the hithc moving. It pretty much slips over the L adapter and tightens down on the vertical hitch with two screws. If you search for accessories on google or something you will find it if you look hard enough. I would give you the site but I dont have it currently.

  ckl said:
I have the factory hitch on mine as well. Looks exactly the same as yours, however, mine has a 4-pin wiring connector and it looks like yours is the 7pin? the dealer asked which one I wanted and at the time, I had no idea what the difference was (and he didn't know either), so I went with the 4 pin.

I mainly use mine for my bike rack. I must say that I'm a little disappointed because I now realize that each additional piece you need to attach to the hitch allows for additional lateral movement... So when I'm driving and I go over a bump or turn corners, I can see the bikes in the back swaying side to side. When I'm in my garage and I look at that L-shaped adaptor (which, in your picture, you have a ball mount attached to it), if I take it and move it side to side while it's attached to the hitch, there is considerable movement... about 1/4 cm either way. Then when I attach the bike rack, it also has side to side movement because not everything fits snug. So if I put everything on, and move the bike rack side to side, it's scary to see how much movement there is.

I've followed other cars with bike racks and I've never noticed the bikes moving side to side like this. This leads me to wonder how they are able to get everything to fit so tight? Am I missing something? Anyone have any pointers for me?

If you want some pics with my bike rack attached, let me know and I'll post some.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
  On 10/25/2009 at 8:46 AM, tg-journey said:

I just had the OEM hitch put on myself to but I was seaching online tonight and just looking and came across an adapter that will solve your issue of the hithc moving. It pretty much slips over the L adapter and tightens down on the vertical hitch with two screws. If you search for accessories on google or something you will find it if you look hard enough. I would give you the site but I dont have it currently.

Im thinking the exact same thing on movement and others are solid. im scared to take my bike out on it . help mr please

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  On 10/25/2009 at 8:46 AM, tg-journey said:

I just had the OEM hitch put on myself to but I was seaching online tonight and just looking and came across an adapter that will solve your issue of the hithc moving. It pretty much slips over the L adapter and tightens down on the vertical hitch with two screws. If you search for accessories on google or something you will find it if you look hard enough. I would give you the site but I dont have it currently.

Im thinking the exact same thing on movement and others are solid. im scared to take my bike out on it . help mr please

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  • 1 year later...

Just had the one-year-old OEM Dodge hitch removed today by the dealer and will have a draw-tite horizontal hitch installed on Friday by a specialty shop. When I agreed to have the dealer install the OEM hitch, he did not mention it required a vertical draw bar and there was only one drawbar available. I found it was sloppy, hard to mount and remove the drawbar, and there were no drawbar options available - a 4" rise was the only option making both my trailers too close to the ground at the rear. With the new hitch I will have all the regular options and will be able to pull any trailer I want - within the load restrictions of course.

The OEM hitch was a costly mistake.

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I completely agree that the oem hitch is a piece of crap.... but... I prefer the look of it to ones that protrude horizontally under the fascia.

I welded beads (lines) on my hitch and ground them down until it fit tight. Not an option if you don't have a welder, but it works.


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I appreciate the comments guys...from what I've read about the OEM hitch on these forums so far, I'm better off staying away from them. That's too bad because I really liked the vertical mount idea so it would be hidden. I guess I'll probably go with Hidden Hitch or Draw-Tite. They must be the same company because it's the same hitch and the websites are identical except for the colors:



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