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New Journey SXT Owner From Toronto!


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Hey all,

I will be picking up my new Silver 2013 Journey SXT this coming Monday, December 9 in Mississauga!

I'm pretty excited... It has all the toys I was looking for and a few extras... I'll be moving up from my 2007 Impala, it's been a good car, but it's time to move on to bigger and (hopefully) better things!

I haven't had a chance to look around the Forum yet, but will do soon... I hope to find lots of tips and tricks for my new ride... My first order of business will be to get those fancy custom Weather Tech Floor Mats.

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Welcome to the forum and your excitement is well warranted. Our Journey will be a year old on December 10 and absolutely no regrets. We also added the Weather Tech Floor mats- excellent product. Great early Christmas gift, enjoy!

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  On 12/11/2013 at 2:11 AM, Avistow said:

I tell ya, I didn't get much sleep the other night!

I've had my new SXT for just over 24 hours now... and it's pretty awesome!

I'll make a prediction. You're going to look for any reason to drive it. You'll sit in it in your driveway because it's so comfortable and learn how to operate all the gadgets and your wife will wonder where you are! Enjoy!

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  On 12/11/2013 at 2:45 AM, rolly said:

I'll make a prediction. You're going to look for any reason to drive it. You'll sit in it in your driveway because it's so comfortable and learn how to operate all the gadgets and your wife willI wonder where you are! Enjoy!

Lol..Lol.. Thats what i exactly did when i first got my journey. My wife was so worried because im atleast an hour late goung home. Just to found out im in my parking area sitting and playing with gadgets on our journey!
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Haha... No wife here to worry about... But I did find myself in the driveway last night tinkering with all the gadgets.

I actually followed another Journey for a little while on the way home tonight, it was the newer model too with the LED tail lights... So now I know what my rear end looks like going down the road.

I'm still trying to get use to other motorists flying past me... It seldom happened while driving my dark blue Impala with the Police style rims that I use during the Winter months... On the plus side, I don't need to worry about tinting the windows, installing a remote starter, or wondering where to mount and run the wire for my GPS... Because it all come with the vehicle... Yaaaaaay!!!

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I moved from a 2006 Impala SS to a 2012 Journey R/T. Sounds like we both had the same colour of blue. Yes, with the winter rims I usually had people checking me out to see if I was a cop, especially with my tinted windows. Good times....

I enjoyed the switch, AWD had be great with the winters and the light off roading I occasionally do. I took my Impala down a few roads that I probably had no business being on with that car, the Journey is much better for that and quite comfortable. I'm enjoying the heated seats that turn on with the autostart in the winter.

I got snow tires and rims last year from Costco for around $800 (thread on here somewhere about that) and it has been unstoppable.


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I thought about AWD, but the amount of times I would need it would be pretty slim around the City... If I lived in Ottawa on the other hand, that would be totally different! :lol:

I suppose I'll be looking at some steel wheels and winter tires, and a set of TPMs too...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

It has been almost 6 months... 6000 km... Still loving my Doge!

Well except the time the GPS reset back to default, so I lost all my favorites... I created a topic about that on here.

I've already helped a couple people move and moved myself, man there's LOTS of space in this thing with the seats folded down!

Edited by Avistow
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  • Official Dodge Support
  On 6/3/2014 at 2:11 AM, Avistow said:

It has been almost 6 months... 6000 km... Still loving my Doge!

Well except the time the GPS reset back to default, so I lost all my favorites... I created a topic about that on here.

I've already helped a couple people move and moved myself, man there's LOTS of space in this thing with the seats folded down!


I read over your PM and took a look around to see I could make heads or tails of things.

Your dealer seems to be correct as far as updates or enhancements.

Do check in to your dealer once and a while as radio flashes are being released at a constant pace.

Really sorry to hear you lost your favs., but happy to hear you're liking your DJ otherwise!


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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for looking... since my last post I have lost my traffic service on my GPS... It's enabled, but the green icon with the cars in the top left corner of the screen is gone, and no traffic is listed.

Is there a separate receiver for the traffic, or do I need to have my radio on FM? I wouldn't think so, but thought I'd ask.

Is there some way to be notified (maybe an email sign up dealie) when new flashes are released / TSBs / etc?


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  • Official Dodge Support
  On 6/12/2014 at 3:29 AM, Avistow said:


Thanks for looking... since my last post I have lost my traffic service on my GPS... It's enabled, but the green icon with the cars in the top left corner of the screen is gone, and no traffic is listed.

Is there a separate receiver for the traffic, or do I need to have my radio on FM? I wouldn't think so, but thought I'd ask.

Is there some way to be notified (maybe an email sign up dealie) when new flashes are released / TSBs / etc?



I'm assuming a recent flash was performed, if this is the case, the new software removed the traffic feature as this is not a supported in Canada.

Some vehicles may have the software but any new updates will remove it.

I'm unaware of any automatic notifications for flashes, the www.driveuconnect.com website can be used to search for uconnect updates.

Your dealer will be able to keep you updated, ask your service advisor on the service visit to check the system to keep your DJ current.


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