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Disappearing GPS


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I've been very happy with my 2010 R/T AWD and have had only minor problems in the 3+ years i have owned it. But something has cropped up in the last month that I would like some opinions on. It seems that if it gets really cold (-30° C or below) my GPS goes blank, yet if I drive the car even for a few blocks, turn the car off for a few minutes and then restart it. it all comes back like nothing has ever happened. It never did this in the previous 3 winters, just wondering your thoughts on this.


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  • 2 months later...

Mine did this once in normal springtime temps while I was driving to a vacation destination (of course it couldn't happen when I had a decent idea where I was going). Had to pull over and revert to good old paper maps. The entire map portion of the screen went blank except the arrow that indicated my vehicle. Happened just that once and it has never occurred again. This was almost a year ago.

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while I was driving to a vacation destination (of course it couldn't happen when I had a decent idea where I was going).

I hear you.......Nobody as of yet has been able to give me a good answer. My dealer said it may be faulty soldering and the cold shrinks it even more.....If you have an answer or just a theory please speak up as enquiring minds need to know......


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