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Ahh yes, Winter


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Winter on the Canadian Prairie. Crisp, crunchy snow and a wind chill of -36C. Drives me nuts when the weather talking heads describe it as a "feels like" temperature. Never understood that one. Yup, it's cold. Dress for it and shaddup! Of course then I turn on an American TV station and you'd think it was the end of the world because there is a "feels like" temperature of -14 F.in Kansas. Or worse, it's 25 F in Dallas! Brings tears to my eyes. I'm sure the crowd in Minnesota care as well. Our winter weather brothers.....

First time for heated seats and heated steering wheel. I know I"m turning into a suck. But boy, it feels nice!

One good thing about these temps. The Journey stays clean.


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  On 1/4/2015 at 5:35 PM, hockey_puck said:

First time for heated seats and heated steering wheel. I know I"m turning into a suck. But boy, it feels nice!

This quote sounds a lot like sissy talk to me.... :lol: Now tough guys like us who live in the center of the universe don't need the girly aids of heated seats & steering wheels, we tough it out with our +3 degree weather today.....even had the window down a crack. We tough as nails here!! :hysterical:

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  On 1/4/2015 at 8:47 PM, Mrmagoo said:

Glad to hear you guys are still enjoying summer. Alberta Clipper enroute! -40 here this morning with -48 windchill.

OK you win! That is brrr. Anyone from the territories wants to post some lower temps?.


Edited by Journey_SeXT
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  On 1/4/2015 at 8:02 PM, Journey_SeXT said:

This quote sounds a lot like sissy talk to me.... :lol: Now tough guys like us who live in the center of the universe don't need the girly aids of heated seats & steering wheels, we tough it out with our +3 degree weather today.....even had the window down a crack. We tough as nails here!! :hysterical:

Ha! Sissy eh.... Just wait. I took a look at this weeks forecast for the GTA and guess what? -15C is the high for Wed. There will be screams of pain and the "dangerous cold" will be the lead item on The National News! The headline in the Center of the Universe newspapers will be proclaiming the end of the world as we know it too!

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  On 1/4/2015 at 10:38 PM, hockey_puck said:

Ha! Sissy eh.... Just wait. I took a look at this weeks forecast for the GTA and guess what? -15C is the high for Wed. There will be screams of pain and the "dangerous cold" will be the lead item on The National News! The headline in the Center of the Universe newspapers will be proclaiming the end of the world as we know it too!

How true this is HP ^^ We are wimps here when it comes to winter.

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Winter sucks. Hate it. Almost no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Snow, ice, and, worst of all, salt all over the roads. Here they pour that ugly brown cinder rock with the salt so that crap is all over the garage. That cinder invariably gets tracked into the house where I step on it in my bare feet. Ice all over the front porch, even after salting. Dark at 5. Trails covered in snow so no mountain biking. I hate it, but at least its a good excuse to get to the tropics. Yay! El Salvador surf trip in February! Can't wait to make some vitamin D.


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  On 1/6/2015 at 5:05 AM, redtomatoman said:

Winter sucks. Hate it. Almost no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Snow, ice, and, worst of all, salt all over the roads. Here they pour that ugly brown cinder rock with the salt so that crap is all over the garage. That cinder invariably gets tracked into the house where I step on it in my bare feet. Ice all over the front porch, even after salting. Dark at 5. Trails covered in snow so no mountain biking. I hate it, but at least its a good excuse to get to the tropics. Yay! El Salvador surf trip in February! Can't wait to make some vitamin D.


No mountain biking because of a little snow? **GASP** Get some fat tyres, dress for it and get out there! We have fun in the dead of winter, on a full moon night, 15 below F, NO clipless pedals, on the snow packed snowmobile trails in Birds Hill Park, a few km north of here. Lots of stars on a crisp and crunchy night and can see quite far with the full moon. We ride the trails backwards (one way) so we can see the headlight of the snowmobile coming and knowing they can't see us in time to slow down, we dive into the deep snow filled bush just before they arrive. An absolute hoot! Tight fitting cross country ski gear keeps you warm and it's a fantastic workout.

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  On 1/6/2015 at 11:14 AM, hockey_puck said:

No mountain biking because of a little snow? **GASP** Get some fat tyres, dress for it and get out there! We have fun in the dead of winter, on a full moon night, 15 below F, NO clipless pedals, on the snow packed snowmobile trails in Birds Hill Park, a few km north of here. Lots of stars on a crisp and crunchy night and can see quite far with the full moon. We ride the trails backwards (one way) so we can see the headlight of the snowmobile coming and knowing they can't see us in time to slow down, we dive into the deep snow filled bush just before they arrive. An absolute hoot! Tight fitting cross country ski gear keeps you warm and it's a fantastic workout.

And this is in July!

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My wife complains about winter every year... I simply tell her to remember when she was a kid. Why did we love winter then and hate it now?? Because when we were kids we didn't give a damn and we went outside and had fun. As adults we sit in the house and complain that it is too cold to go outside... Winter has very unique activities that can't typically be enjoyed in the other 6 months of the year (winter is long in MN :lol: ). Get outside and have fun; that way winter doesn't seem so long and it can be enjoyed for the unique opportunities it provides!

Winter also helps to put summer into perspective. No one who lives where there is no real winter can have the same appreciation for the spring and summer months as those of us who deal with real winter weather. Personally, I love it and wouldn't trade it in for the world. Maybe when I'm a bit older and unable to enjoy it I will change my tune, but not before then!

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  On 1/6/2015 at 1:59 PM, bigtsr said:

You mean a bike like this HP?

Yep... Those things are all over MN right now. Real bicyclists don't give a damn that it is snowy and cold out... They just keep on trucking. I have to admit, I admire that people do it, but you'll never see me doing it!! Ha!!

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  On 1/6/2015 at 1:59 PM, bigtsr said:

You mean a bike like this HP?

Have seen lots of those really fat tire bikes. Never ridden one and can't imagine how heavy they are. I used to use 2.35 wide tires and they floated in sand/snow quite well. I'm sure those really fat suckers would float well, but lord it would be a slow ride! I suspect the reason they sell these days, is that it is unique and trendy. The baggy pant types will fall for them.

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  On 1/6/2015 at 2:07 PM, hockey_puck said:

Have seen lots of those really fat tire bikes. Never ridden one and can't imagine how heavy they are. I used to use 2.35 wide tires and they floated in sand/snow quite well. I'm sure those really fat suckers would float well, but lord it would be a slow ride! I suspect the reason they sell these days, is that it is unique and trendy. The baggy pant types will fall for them.

I have a buddy who has one... Real hardcore bicyclist... They aren't bad at all. No slower or heavier from what I could tell, though I don't have a very nice bike and his was several thousand dollars, so it may have just been lighter than what I am used to.

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  On 1/6/2015 at 2:11 PM, bigtsr said:

What got me was the fact that the darn thing was single

speed no Shimano on this brute , I snapped this pic

in the local WallyMart.

Pretty common these days to have a single gear too... Not me!! Too many damn elevation changes for that!

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