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Bluetooth ability lost on 8.4N Radio-Hands free gone as well-Ideas?

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Hi all,

2012 Journey R/T AWD suddenly loses bluetooth and hands-free button ability last week. Yesterday I pulled the battery for 30 mins and completed a Uconnect firmware update via thumbdrive. When I turned the car back on the bluetooth is still gone, cannot make a call or stream music from my phone nor do I have the Bluetooth Icon in my set-up screen. I have Disc, Aux, etc., but NO BLUETOOTH. I drive to the dealer and he advised that $110 is needed to diagnose the issue and probably another $1200 for a radio. I told the dealer that I would return after I did more research. I came home, reflashed the firmware update again and still no bluetooth ability. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

-Thanks in advance

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No warranty, I presume? That is a bummer, and a great reason to buy an extended warranty while you can. You may only need to have the car's profile restored - the sales code for the Bluetooth may have somehow become inactive.

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The old style MyGig radios had a separate Uconnect/bluetooth module. I'm not sure if the new radios are that way. When I had my Dealer install the rear view camera as part of my deal, they had taken a lot of the dash apart. I have the 8" screen; there was a silver box which looked like a MyGig, with out the screen. All of the normal MyGig connectors plugged into the back of this box, so it must be the radio. So, maybe the Uconnect/bluetooth modules are still a separate unit. They were a small black plastic box, but I have no idea where it would be if it were still a separate unit. But the connections piggy backed into the radio connectors.

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I believe that there IS a separate BT module, but that would not explain the hands free issue... Sounds like they will likely end up replacing the stereo. They don't do much for troubleshooting outside of the modules. If the radio itself is bad they will just replace the whole thing.

I know it is probably too late for you at this point (maybe not though), but as soon as I saw all of the electronics on the DJ in the lot I opted for the lifetime bumper to bumper warranty. better safe than sorry when it comes to these things.

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OK, I stumbled across this while Googling something else:

As it happens, the BT module is a separate device - it is connected to the radio on one of the two USB connectors on the back of the radio (one is for the BT module and the other for the USB connection in the console - not sure which of the two goes to which application) and is held in place with a plastic lock. Apparently there is a second connector between the radio and the BT module which also has a locking pin.

If either of these connectors that go to the BT module (or the one in the actual module itself - and I don't know where that is) becomes disconnected or if the BT module itself stops working the radio will think you don't have Bluetooth . . . . if the lock is broken, possibly because someone with Gorilla hands forced the connector apart without properly depressing the release, the connector can work its way out and break the connection.

So, if you've had any work done behind the dash that required pulling the radio or may have disturbed the wiring behind the dash, the connector may have been 'hanging by a hair . . . you can pull the radio module (it is behind the air conditioning controls) and check that out.

Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this same issue with my 2013 Dodge Journey RT. The dealer replaced the bluetooth module ( $376.00) and everything went back to normal. BUT the next day the brake lights would come on and stay on when departing the vehicle, then the check engine light came on as well as the traction light. Back to the dealer we went, they say it was a bad brake pedal sensor causing all the issues now, and since they replaced the bluetooth module and they could have bumped it they wouldn't charge us for labor to put the new sensor in. Cost of sensor ( $15.00) hope it resolves my issues.

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  • 1 year later...

Thought that I would follow up to my original post that I made over a year ago. The issues I was having ending up being the result of a faulty Hands Free Module. The HFM has been a nightmare for anyone with the Uconnect system made during that time period. Jeep and Chrysler autos are experiencing the same problem and apparently the only fix is to replace the module at a cost of $650. I had mine installed earlier this month and it has worked flawlessly. Just thought that I would follow up.

Ann Arbor-

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I'm having the same type of problem on a 2013 Journey SE with the Uconnect 4.3 radio. The Bluetooth module has failed on me twice in a few months and only a power reset by disconnecting the negative battery cable under the hood for a minute or two has cleared the problem both times.

I bought this vehicle used from a reputable dealer in June 2015 and had no trouble for the first few months. The Bluetooth Hands Free system is just a convenience to me, not a vital function, so if it goes out completely I can live without it. A good Bluetooth headset can provide the same function, with the exception of automatically muting the sound system. As for music streaming via Bluetooth, I don't use it. I prefer to hook up my 64gig iPod Touch to the USB port. It's more reliable and gets charged as well.

If the Bluetooth module does completely fail and I decide to replace it I'd rather do it myself, if it isn't a nightmare to replace. Why pay a labor fee if you don't have to? Does anyone here know where the module is located and how much work is involved in replacing it? Until then I may just keep a 15mm socket wrench in the rear storage compartment in case I choose to reset it while I'm away from home.

Thanks to all who respond.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought the vehicle used so it has no bumper to bumper warranty. The interval between failures seems to be getting shorter. The most recent was 3 days. I've done some research and I'm pretty sure I can replace the module should I choose to. I'm just not sure it's worth the money for a new one and I can't guarantee that a used one won't wind up giving me the same problem. I would love to know exactly what is causing the failure. So far a power reset brings it right back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well. it looks like the module has finally gone completely F.U.B.A.R. When I reset it I now get an error that the "Device is Unreachable" even though my iPhone appears to be paired properly. I even re-paired it but still have the same issue. Oh well. Like I said, I don't consider that functionality to be vital and I certainly do not feel inclined to spend $300+ for a replacement module, especially when I'm not entirely sure I won't wind up with the same problem again later on.

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Call me crazy. I got a new replacement module from an Ohio dealer on eBay for about $230 and installed it today. It was a bigger pain getting the old one out than putting the new one in. I had to remove the brake pedal assembly. Anyway, I got the new one in and it works, for now at least. The hardware and software dates on the new module are a year newer than the old one so I'm hoping they have the bugs worked out and I won't be going through this again any time soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

They changed my BT module today because the audio was intermittent, and until now I was able to get it to work by banging on the dash, suggesting a bad connection, though I'd have thought it would be in the wire harness before the module, the 30 or so miles since I got the DJ back today were almost uneventful.  Hopefully changing the module will resolve my issue.  If not, then they can troubleshoot further at FCA's expense.

What drove the service visit was a growing looseness in the steering which they seem to have fixed by changing a link somewhere in the steering/suspension on the left side.

I did have to go into the settings menu to set the announcements back to brief. It was unsettling to me to have the module treating me like a 2 year old.  Every time I went to make a voice-activated call the system displayed the help menu and once the system initiated the connection, the disembodied voice reminded me of how to hang up after a call.  Very annoying.

Edited by bramfrank
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  On 2/16/2015 at 10:51 PM, annarbor said:

Hi all,

2012 Journey R/T AWD suddenly loses bluetooth and hands-free button ability last week. Yesterday I pulled the battery for 30 mins and completed a Uconnect firmware update via thumbdrive. When I turned the car back on the bluetooth is still gone, cannot make a call or stream music from my phone nor do I have the Bluetooth Icon in my set-up screen. I have Disc, Aux, etc., but NO BLUETOOTH. I drive to the dealer and he advised that $110 is needed to diagnose the issue and probably another $1200 for a radio. I told the dealer that I would return after I did more research. I came home, reflashed the firmware update again and still no bluetooth ability. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

-Thanks in advance



Save the $110 and skip the radio (which this nice dealer was going to sell you at full retail).

Start by pulling the radio out from the dash and reseating the two smaller telephone-like plugs in back - those are the USB connections; one goes to the Bluetooth module and the other to the USB jack in the console - do not exchange their positions, I have no clue what might happen, if anything, but their addresses may be hard coded.

If you can get to the BT module (conveniently - NOT - located above the steering column, under the dash and a pain to access) I would try reseating it's connector as well.  If that doesn't work then buy yourself a new (used) Bluetooth module from a scrap yard (check LKQ) for cheap and put it in and continue to drive.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I have a 2012 Journey RT with the 8.4N radio. I was looking to buy the hands free module online, but the parts guide said the module was in the radio, if it has navigation. I believe there is a module under the dash where one would be. My problem is no hands free phone, it says system is loading and it just stays there. Anyone replaced the module for the navigation system?  Where did you get module?

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