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conversation mirror drops

Joezef Pangaea

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Got my Journey in March, now the conversation mirror/overhead sunglass compartment drops. It used to drop halfway (into mirror mode) when the doors would close, now it drops all the way whenever I drive over the slightest bump. Our dealership was axed and I would have to go many more miles to a different one...any one else have this problem? Is it something I can fix?

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Hi people, my Mirror does this(well did!)

when i first used to use it, it would come down 1/2 way and stay there but after several uses it now comes down all the way, and haviong taken it apart, the mechanisum seems to suggest it should do this, ... press once, it drops down, the press 1/2 way up and it locks in place... and according to my dealer it does this double action as you have access to any glasses FIRST, then the mirror second... hence the 2 part action...

on the dropping down over bumps this it should not do!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have the same problem, and seems to be common according to the dealer. So common infact that the assemblies are on backorder. They've ordered one in for us...the waiting game begins. Hard to brag about the new car to friends with tape holding it togeather...LOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Rezbomb said:
We have the same problem, and seems to be common according to the dealer. So common infact that the assemblies are on backorder. They've ordered one in for us...the waiting game begins. Hard to brag about the new car to friends with tape holding it togeather...LOL!

It just started to happen to me. Looks like the pin that holds the door in place is to small. I am going to go see my dealer about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I got so tired of the that sunglass holder I just jammed it up into the console (push it up real hard and it will get "stuck"). The last thing I need to do is have my car at the dealer for two days. Sooner or later I will have it fixed but I will wait until I have other problems that require the dealer.

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Started having the same issue about a month ago (2009, ~4k miles). I popped the black plastic piece that holds the mirror in position off and bent it slightly inward using 2 pairs of needle nose pliers. Its been 2 weeks and the mirror no longer falls even if i hit it with my hand!

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  • 10 months later...

This happens in my '09 too. Sooooo annoying! I pulled that black piece off (just snaps in) and there are just 2 cloth washers. I think the pin needs to be longer or there needs to be more of a solid washer there. Every little bump in the road or when you shut your doors, it pops down. I just called my dealer and they said they would replace the whole mechanism.

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  • 2 years later...

I'd already had the assembly replaced once, and the new one only lasted three months. Here's how I fixed it. I took that black piece that needs the longer pin, and made a longer pin. I carefully pulled out the existing pin with a very small pair of diagonal cutters. A large paper clip wasn't of sufficient diameter, so I took a wire brad that was a little larger diameter than the hole. Supporting the front side of the black piece with the jaws of my vise spaced just close enough to let the brad pass through, I carefully tapped the brad in with a tack hammer from the rear. Then, it was back inside the housing with the black piece. Cut the brad carefully, little by little, so it clears the holder body and runs in the pin track cast in the holder body without scraping the body of the housing. Cut only what you need. When you are done, you should have the new 'pin' protruding about half to three-quarters of the depth of the track.

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