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*****I'VE GOT MY VIN**********

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I tried our VIN in the recall site even though we have ours to see what would happen. It shows the vehicle correctly a Black RT hatchback. I am in Canada so anyone can use it to see if the vehicle is in fact in process.

I tried 20 numbers altogether in sequence and it looks like approximately 1 of 10 is an SE of some sort, 2 in 10 are SXT's and the rest are RT's at least in the VINs near my own. Special orders or just Chrysler's guess at sales I'm not sure.


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well just got back from the grand opening at our dealership.

This was a private party we were invited to. Found out some interesting details,


80,000 sq feet under roof

10.5 acres of inventory

open for 4 1/2 months

just over 900 units sold

Seen the #500 2009 CHALLENGER dressed as black on black with the 6.1 hemi (not for sale it is the press car), @#$% me what a car (hope I can say that here)

open bar (Beer, Wine, red and white, Champayne)

Catered, all the food you can eat Shimp to meatballs all great the full spread

Live big brass band

CEO of Chrysler Canada was there,

Mayor, MLA's very nice party for sure, about 300 people for sure

Thank you Sherwood Park Dodge!!!!!

Met up with our salesman and he looked into our Journey. As of 4:43PM today, the car is in South Edmonton. Cloverbar Yard in North Edmonton so it is in the yard as I type this.

It's just about in my driveway now. The salesguy was yanking my chain saying "no movement from Manitoba" but started to laugh, Cats outta the bag, nice try :hysterical:

Now I am getting excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy feet::happy feet::happy feet:


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  Hit-By-Thunder said:
well just got back from the grand opening at our dealership.

This was a private party we were invited to. Found out some interesting details,


80,000 sq feet under roof

10.5 acres of inventory

open for 4 1/2 months

just over 900 units sold

Seen the #500 2009 CHALLENGER dressed as black on black with the 6.1 hemi (not for sale it is the press car), @#$% me what a car (hope I can say that here)

open bar (Beer, Wine, red and white, Champayne)

Catered, all the food you can eat Shimp to meatballs all great the full spread

Live big brass band

CEO of Chrysler Canada was there,

Mayor, MLA's very nice party for sure, about 300 people for sure

Thank you Sherwood Park Dodge!!!!!

Met up with our salesman and he looked into our Journey. As of 4:43PM today, the car is in South Edmonton. Cloverbar Yard in North Edmonton so it is in the yard as I type this.

It's just about in my driveway now. The salesguy was yanking my chain saying "no movement from Manitoba" but started to laugh, Cats outta the bag, nice try :hysterical:

Now I am getting excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy feet::happy feet::happy feet:



I am glad to see you are so close to getting your Journey. It has been so long.

Well, I had an interesting day yesterday. First, I got an email from Dodge saying thanks for subscribing to our site.

That is all it really said. I thought -- hmmm -- I signed up for that back when I order the car. Why I am getting this now.

I got a little excited since I have been in D status for 7 weeks -- maybe it has changed. So, I called 800 # and yes status just changed to D1 with a ship date of 7/10/08. So, it seems that the email was sent based on the change in my status.

I called the dealer and he looked it up and said yes your order has changed and it only takes 2 weeks for the car to get to the dealership. So, I am looking at having my car on July 24th.

This will be a total of 13 weeks since we ordered the car. Quite a Journey in deed.

I will try to keep everyone updated. Work has been a little crazy lately.


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  Hit-By-Thunder said:
Ya Lagers sure makes you wonder don't it? Keep me posted for your VIN. I have to stop by the dealer tomorrow and see what he has found. I have a mind to wait for this one I had on order just to see if the VIN is what it was suppose to be and to see what is offered for "compensation". I just may just to see some back pedalling.

If he has something for us, great if not, I'll wait.

Hey great idea by the way dencord123!!! Can anyone in the States please check my VIN for me, the last 8#'s are 9T208467 ????


I punched into the recall space at this site http://www-5.dodge.com/webselfservice/dodge/index.jsp

and got this back

"VIN Number:

3D4GH57V0 9T208467 Vehicle Description:


Which means it should be built or close to being built.. a good start..

the Stewie

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  TheStewie said:
I punched into the recall space at this site http://www-5.dodge.com/webselfservice/dodge/index.jsp

and got this back

"VIN Number:

3D4GH57V0 9T208467 Vehicle Description:


Which means it should be built or close to being built.. a good start..

the Stewie

Yes Stewie that is how I knew it was built on June 05th I even called the dealer first to tell them it was built. They looked into it and indeed it was :hysterical: They had to ask how I knew before them. One day it was showing "Vin # invalid" and then that night (june 04th it showed up as the SXT AWD Hatchback)

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well it has arrived but still needs to be detailed So from order March 14th to actually touching the physical car, June 30th. It is finally over. Will I do it again, proabaly not but with this dealer yes. They have been incredible with me treated me great even in with my "hissy fits" :hysterical: We will be picking up the Journey AKA Nugget Wednesday July 2nd.

couple other photos at the dealer in my gallery not as good as this one but the first official photo is there

Hope you all enjoy the photo as much as I do. Thanks friends, glad you all were here to help me wait for the order, sure is a great forum


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  druadan said:
congratulations Rob. sandstone is nice, eh. still only 2500 klicks on mine.

We will be driving this one only for the trip to the lake and into Edmonton every now and then which is 20 minutes away.

We got the biggest baddest warranty available to us Canadians (Gold plus) covered for 7 years and 115,000KMs.

Also have the paint sealant undercoated, doors inside sprayed and the reverse polarity box for rust prevention.

few issues are there are 2 tiny grease spots in the back behind the 3rd row seating, also looks like someone stepped on the 2nd row driver's side booster seat leaving a slight footprint. There is paint sealant over spray under the hood and doors. and the wheels had overspray from when they put that stupid "tireshine" stuff on ( I hate shiny tires) Salesman said no worries, it still needs to be detailed.

Undercoating looks great. When I started it, the first thing I did was a hard turn to the left, seems ok. Also put the car in drive then bumped the shifter ahead, great news, it popped into neutral and that was it. It never went past into reverse or park.

We will be picking the car up Thursday night after work. ( 1 more sleep ) :hysterical:


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Well it has been a Journey for sure.

Took possession today at about 5:30PM and what a great riding, quiet car. Was it worth the wait,.....yes, oh hell yes. Wife let me drive it home, rush hour traffic on the yellowhead is always stressful. Got it home and right away added the LED lights to the rear cargo lamps and to the lic. plate. Been playing with the car all night and really enjoying the NAV. I did not know this but the Nav gives you Approx ETA to your detination as well and is very easy to use. Input my home address but it was set for US not Canada. Switched it and away we went. My son who is 12 suggested we call the lady voice on the Nav "Lola" the same Lola from the movie RV with Robin Williams (The big rolling turd, Class A Motorhome) :hysterical:

has a small scratch on the driver's side "A" pillar and no other issues at all. No unusual noises, grinds, pings, creaks, rattles, growls etc, nothing just smooth and quiet.

Will be off to the lake lot tomorrow after work 424km's round trip, see how we are after that.

65kms on the odometer


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Well I broke down and called dealer again toady he said car should be here on July 23rd. looks like it will take a total 12 weeks from order to delivery date. 05/02/2008-07/23/2008. Dealer said no we are looking at 8-10 weeks top. But I guess the dealers have a different math system.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  dencord123 said:
Well I broke down and called dealer again toady he said car should be here on July 23rd. looks like it will take a total 12 weeks from order to delivery date. 05/02/2008-07/23/2008. Dealer said no we are looking at 8-10 weeks top. But I guess the dealers have a different math system.

I called dealer again today and now deliver date is 28th But he faxed me the Vehicle Status report.

Today it is in Cheyenne, Wy just a little over a 100 mile from Denver but the report says it will be loaded on the 22nd to a rail car to Rolla, CO

then it says unloaded from rail car 23rd. Vehicle deliver date 7/28 I caint under stand why would it take 5 days after it gets to Colorado. I also dont understand why not just let me Drive to Cheyenne and pick it up myself. and I have never heard of Rolla colorado.

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  dencord123 said:
I called dealer again today and now deliver date is 28th But he faxed me the Vehicle Status report.

Today it is in Cheyenne, Wy just a little over a 100 mile from Denver but the report says it will be loaded on the 22nd to a rail car to Rolla, CO

then it says unloaded from rail car 23rd. Vehicle deliver date 7/28 I caint under stand why would it take 5 days after it gets to Colorado. I also dont understand why not just let me Drive to Cheyenne and pick it up myself. and I have never heard of Rolla colorado.

Update 7/29/2008 I got my Journey sitting in the driveway

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  • 6 months later...
  dencord123 said:
Update 7/29/2008 I got my Journey sitting in the driveway

hey great news Seth, glad all is well for you!!!!

ok here is our update on our Journey, Radio audio has quit 2 times and no other issues, NONE!!!!!!!!!! Will I bring it in for that,... nope all is working fine, why take the chance. We now have 6245km's on the car. It sits in the garage mostly but have used it a couple times this winter. Man those heated seats are great.

All in all, the car is great, no complaints at all other than get rid of winter so I can drive and wash this thing.

Rob/HBT :wave:

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