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Backup Cam / rear hatch button one or the other works

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2013  dodge Jouney RT. the rear back up cam wasn't working then the I washed the engine and the rear camera worked again but the rear hatch button stopped working. Washed the engine again the back up camera stopped working and the button works again. Is there a switch/ line has anyone else experienced this. 

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Why are you washing the  engine so much?  You keep putting water into the electronics, not good bed fellows.  There is an issue with the wires going into the rear hatch getting broken, but if it happens when you wash the engine  Id say you are shorting out a connevtion on the BCM..,

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Sorry I'll elaborate. The rear camera has not been working for 4 months. Last week before a road trip and after a oil change I cleaned the engine. After that the camera worked and the button did not. After the road trip and lots of KM on gravel roads I rinsed the  engine off on the low wash setting and the button worked and the camera didn't. The wiring harness on the hatch is not in great shape and I have fixed several cracked wires in it. I just can't figure out how the two switched (button/camera) and the only link is the wash on the engine. How are the two connected and why or what would be a reason why only one can work at a time. 

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  • 2 months later...

I am also having the same issue. My back up camera and the button on the back door is not working. The button has not been working for three years and the dealership says they don't know what is wrong. The camera just started not to work in the past month. I don't have a lot of money. What can I do at home to try to fix the problem? Please someone help. I love my DJ but things are going wrong and I cant afford to keep fixing things. 

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  On 10/6/2017 at 10:03 AM, Scotty in NZ said:

May I ask what YEAR manufacture and Trim Level you have?




That really does not matter in this case.  As Fred stated, there is a known issue with the wire loom going from the vehicle body to the liftgate. I would be inspecting that and find another dealer.  

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